Forum Deputy Chief
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This is not so much a who dunnit as perhaps an average case presenting several common challenges and I'm interested in some different approaches to dx and management.
At 1342 on a positively beautiful spring afternoon, you are dispatched to a lights and sirens case (Code 3 for Americans right?) for a Stroke - Symptoms <6hrs old, caller stating that her mother has a hx of strokes and is worried the pt is having another stroke. Response time of 45 mins.
On arrival you are met by the pt's middle aged daughter and led to an 88 year old female laying perfectly supine in bed with a neb mask purring away. A single officer from another branch had arrived about 15 mins earlier, has done an "assessment" and you get a very poor handover from him. He found wheezes on auscultation, mild SOB, A-fib of a rate unspecified, BP 110/systolic although I have my doubts due to his technique and neb'd 10mgs albuterol. He has nothing more for you.
Your assessment is as follows:
A-fib (unclear if paroxysmal or chronic), MI (nSTEMI 2002), Stroke (8/12 ago, apparently very minor with no lasting deficits, daughter states there was disagreement as to whether or not she'd ever actually had a stroke).
TIAs, splenectomy, osteoarthritis, hearing impairment, hypertension (dr says her BP was "fine" last it was checked), hypercholesterolaemia. Orthopnea (unsure if recently worse). Ankle odema (not noted to be worse in past week).
Medications: Warfarin, amoxicillin, irbesartan, escitalopram, esomeprazole, digoxin, Vit-D, carvedilol.
Allergies: Ace inhibitors.
Pt has a 1 week hx of a worsening SOB on exertion with no hx of such, several vomits (food), generalised weakness, productive cough, periodic headaches and nausea.
Currently complaining of: Mild headache, mild nausea & SOB, generalised weakness.
Denies: Chest pain/discomfort, palpitations, dizziness spontaneously or on standing.
Neuro/HEENT: GCS 15 but seems mildly confused, some trouble comprehending and answering questions, equal and good strength and sensation bilaterally in arms and legs, PEARL (3mm), normal visual acuity/visual fields bilaterally, nil nystagmus, denies diplopia. Normal gait. White sclear, pink conjunctiva.
CVS: BP 180/110, pulse 140 irregular but strong, slightly pale per daughter, cold extremities. Good skin turgour, moist mucousa, nil tongue furrowing. Orthostatic HR/BP nil change. JVP 2cm.
Resp RR 36, Nil increased work of breathing, nil accessory muscle use, apparent distress etc, SpO2 on RA 86%. ++ quiet breath sounds in all fields, low pitched insp/exp wheezing, coarse midzone crackles bilaterally.
Abdo/GI/GU: Minor abdo distension per pt, nil spontaneous pain but tenderness on palpation of upper quadrants and moderate pain and guarding on palpation on right lower quadrant. Periodic small vomits in past few days although pt is vague, 1x small vomit of food this am. Poor oral intake of both food and fluid for past few days although again pt is frustratingly vague about the specifics. Normal daily bowel movements until this morning's which was "loose". Urinated 4 times yesterday, twice this am, normal frequency, nil urgency, pain/abnormal odour.
ECG: A-fib, narrow QRS complex, nil ST changes, normal T-waves. Rate of between 125 and 150 registering on monitor, pulse matches monitor, nil 12 lead performed due to lack of equipment.
BSL: 5.7
TEMP: 37.0 (98.6)
What do you want to do think is wrong with this pt, how will you manage her and to where will you transport her (if at all).
At 1342 on a positively beautiful spring afternoon, you are dispatched to a lights and sirens case (Code 3 for Americans right?) for a Stroke - Symptoms <6hrs old, caller stating that her mother has a hx of strokes and is worried the pt is having another stroke. Response time of 45 mins.
On arrival you are met by the pt's middle aged daughter and led to an 88 year old female laying perfectly supine in bed with a neb mask purring away. A single officer from another branch had arrived about 15 mins earlier, has done an "assessment" and you get a very poor handover from him. He found wheezes on auscultation, mild SOB, A-fib of a rate unspecified, BP 110/systolic although I have my doubts due to his technique and neb'd 10mgs albuterol. He has nothing more for you.
Your assessment is as follows:
A-fib (unclear if paroxysmal or chronic), MI (nSTEMI 2002), Stroke (8/12 ago, apparently very minor with no lasting deficits, daughter states there was disagreement as to whether or not she'd ever actually had a stroke).
TIAs, splenectomy, osteoarthritis, hearing impairment, hypertension (dr says her BP was "fine" last it was checked), hypercholesterolaemia. Orthopnea (unsure if recently worse). Ankle odema (not noted to be worse in past week).
Medications: Warfarin, amoxicillin, irbesartan, escitalopram, esomeprazole, digoxin, Vit-D, carvedilol.
Allergies: Ace inhibitors.
Pt has a 1 week hx of a worsening SOB on exertion with no hx of such, several vomits (food), generalised weakness, productive cough, periodic headaches and nausea.
Currently complaining of: Mild headache, mild nausea & SOB, generalised weakness.
Denies: Chest pain/discomfort, palpitations, dizziness spontaneously or on standing.
Neuro/HEENT: GCS 15 but seems mildly confused, some trouble comprehending and answering questions, equal and good strength and sensation bilaterally in arms and legs, PEARL (3mm), normal visual acuity/visual fields bilaterally, nil nystagmus, denies diplopia. Normal gait. White sclear, pink conjunctiva.
CVS: BP 180/110, pulse 140 irregular but strong, slightly pale per daughter, cold extremities. Good skin turgour, moist mucousa, nil tongue furrowing. Orthostatic HR/BP nil change. JVP 2cm.
Resp RR 36, Nil increased work of breathing, nil accessory muscle use, apparent distress etc, SpO2 on RA 86%. ++ quiet breath sounds in all fields, low pitched insp/exp wheezing, coarse midzone crackles bilaterally.
Abdo/GI/GU: Minor abdo distension per pt, nil spontaneous pain but tenderness on palpation of upper quadrants and moderate pain and guarding on palpation on right lower quadrant. Periodic small vomits in past few days although pt is vague, 1x small vomit of food this am. Poor oral intake of both food and fluid for past few days although again pt is frustratingly vague about the specifics. Normal daily bowel movements until this morning's which was "loose". Urinated 4 times yesterday, twice this am, normal frequency, nil urgency, pain/abnormal odour.
ECG: A-fib, narrow QRS complex, nil ST changes, normal T-waves. Rate of between 125 and 150 registering on monitor, pulse matches monitor, nil 12 lead performed due to lack of equipment.
BSL: 5.7
TEMP: 37.0 (98.6)
What do you want to do think is wrong with this pt, how will you manage her and to where will you transport her (if at all).