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  1. E

    need advice

    Ectopic anywhere near rupture would see a distinct rise in heart rate, as well as a sharp pain (as opposed to the crampy pain described). Certainly not out of the question, but the problem with this, as with all acute abdomens, is the massive differential makes it pretty much impossible to...
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    need advice

    It doesn't sound ectopic to me. If she is pregnant, depending on how far along she is (patients don't always know), it does sound like she's starting to become pre-clamptic. I would like to know what her temp is, and where her pain specifically is located, since this could also be just...
  3. E

    Scenario today.

    Cultural context is a whole separate issue from the question of whether C-spine is indicated. The patient has a mechanism suspicious for C-spine injury and it sounds like there are some possibly distracting injuries. Per my state's protocols, this patient does not meet criteria for c-spine...
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    ET Blade Sizes

    Our medical director actually gave us this same advice for intubation with in-line stabilization. To quote him, "take the 4 miller, bury it up to the handle, and lift. TADA!" Although, I think her intended this to be used for healthy adults.
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    An NRB is not appropriate. Resp rate of 8 plus desaturation and hypercapnea indicates this patient is not breathing effectively. From a BLS level, place your OPA/NPA depending on whether gag reflex is present or not, and start bagging. My command facility's ALS protocols won't let me drop...
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    Amiodarone infusions

    Phew. Our pharm teacher is a flight nurse, so I suppose he has to think a little more long term. I just know that my service does not carry bags of D5W, and probably the only D5 we have on the truck is pre-mixed with dopamine. I guess my big concern was when I'm doing these Amiodarone...
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    Amiodarone infusions

    Hey there. I'm in paramedic school now. Today, in pharmacology, we got onto the discussion of amiodarone infusions, and our instructor mentioned that amiodarone infusions should only be given using D5W. Neither I, nor my classmates, were ever told this back in ACLS, and our instructor was...
  8. E

    Car accidents after midnight

    It has been a while since I posted on here, but this was one I had to share: I am mid 24 hour shift, and about three hours ago I got dispatched to a third party report of a motor vehicle pulled to the side of the road, unknown if the occupants were injured. The vehicle was positioned on a...
  9. E

    How would you run this....

    I like the photoshop option
  10. E

    I did something dumb

    Supratherepeutic referes to an amount greater than is required for a therapeutic effect. E.G. if a patient only requires, sticking with O2 here, 4lpm to see an improvement in their status, and you administer 15LPM, then you have administered a supratherepeutic amount of O2. Supraphysiologic...
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    Transcare operates in my area (pittsburgh) where they do NETs and Nursing Home 911s. From what I hear, they actually aren't a bad gig to work for. The pay is great, and I've spoken to some medics and EMTs that have worked for them and apparently the management is done quite well. Speaking as...
  12. E

    Low call volume 911 vs Transport work

    I currently work for two different emergency services, but I spent about six months earlier in my career working for a transport service, and here is what I have found: When you are working for a 911 service, the crazy things that happen, as the previous poster mentioned, will almost always...
  13. E

    NREMT-B for those practicing in PA

    My question pertains to the practicality of being nationally registered in Pennsylvania. If there are any EMT-Bs here that practice in pennsylvania, do you find it worth it to become nationally registered? The bigger question is where on earth can one take the exam in western pennsylvania...
  14. E


    sorry, I put the wrong credential down. I was thinking CFRN and typed CFEMT-P. thanks for the advice. I'm obviously going to try and get as much expirience as I can as an EMT-P before I go for flight, and now I'll definitely do critical care. thankx
  15. E


    Soon, not as soon as I would like but soon nontheless, I will be attending paramedic school. One of the things I'm considering because I know what ground paramedics get payed in this state, is trying to become a flight medic. I was looking at the employment sight of the local air ambulance...
  16. E

    Neurological deficits

    If a potential stroke patient is unable to tell me reliably whether or not there was trauma that may have caused the sensory/motor problems, then hells yea I immobilize.
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    There's a mercy hospital near my service areas, and it's a level one trauma center, so if I ever did get this patient that's probably where they'd end up going :-D
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    I'm pretty sure Jerusalem didn't even have cardiac cath....
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    Am I the only person that would call a helo for this guy? Its gonna take at least 20-30 minutes to extricate from the planks, if that's not extended extrication I don't know what is!
  20. E

    Swine flu

    I haven't pulled a shift since last friday, but I can't wait for my service area's nursing home population to call in for swine flu symptoms when I get to either of my jobs this week.