Hey there.
I'm in paramedic school now. Today, in pharmacology, we got onto the discussion of amiodarone infusions, and our instructor mentioned that amiodarone infusions should only be given using D5W. Neither I, nor my classmates, were ever told this back in ACLS, and our instructor was unsure of whether mixing amiodarone in NSS is absolutely contraindicated.
Anybody here happen to know? Can amiodarone only be given in D5W, or is NSS acceptable for an infusion?
I'm in paramedic school now. Today, in pharmacology, we got onto the discussion of amiodarone infusions, and our instructor mentioned that amiodarone infusions should only be given using D5W. Neither I, nor my classmates, were ever told this back in ACLS, and our instructor was unsure of whether mixing amiodarone in NSS is absolutely contraindicated.
Anybody here happen to know? Can amiodarone only be given in D5W, or is NSS acceptable for an infusion?