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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I just got my paperwork today and got the call Friday
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    People who are on the job/ in the academy: What did you guys wear for the paperwork day and when you go to get all your gear?
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    What days are you going in for paperwork and uniforms? I'm going July 18th at noon and July 20th at 11
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I got the call today!!! 3:13pm! List number 95x. Taking the 330-1130 academy
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    It's not really an interview. We just meet our investigators and go over all our paperwork
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    LONG day. 600 or so questions. I was done in 2-3 hours
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    You guys on list 6003 are moving so fast. I filed online in September 2014. I'm 95x on 5003 and it took me 17 months to get done with my process and you guys will have it done in less than 6 months. Crazy how fast you guys are going lol
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Just like that^ lol. You're not required to move therefore you don't have to.
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Depends how many people/ how early or late you get there. I was one of the first ones there but they called the people who got there later than me first. I was there 3 hours
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Wow in the 900s already? I'm 95X and didnt get a call yet
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    95x no call
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hey guys I'm new to the forum. I've been monitoring it since Wednesday. Hearing calls are going out. I'm 95x on 5003 list. No call yet