Search results

  1. C

    Per-Diem Dispatch Jobs in NYC

    I might want to work as dispatch over the summer for some actual pay however I might need help find out who does that sort of thing or if it's even legal for that to happen? Thanks, Chris F.
  2. C

    Vertex Standard VXD-720 Radios

    RE: Radios Can I have Photos?
  3. C

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    omg! Lol!
  4. C

    Looking For Instructor to Provide FREE Wilderness First Aid

    Thanks Brenda, But, I was not exactly talking about GOVAC Youth Squad I named my club at school FIRE/Law Enforcement/EMS Explorers/Youth Squad and by supervisors i meant the club's teacher/advisors. However, I did not specify and for that I apologize.
  5. C

    First Responder Paramedic Trauma Bag FULLY STOCKED

    Re: List of what FULLY Stocked is! Fully stocked is: Included Items: 1 - Pot Belly Stethoscope 1 - Aneroid Sphygmomanometer (BP cuff w/gauge) 1 - CPR mask w/one-way valve (adult/pediatric size) 1 - Foil Baby Bunting 1 - 5½" Bandage Scissors 1 - Diagnostic Penlight 1 - Kelly 5½"...
  6. C

    Tactical E.M.S. Scenario For Explorer Exam

    Thanks for your concern about my explorer post in school. have a good day.
  7. C

    Tactical E.M.S. Scenario For Explorer Exam

    Hey guys, if you guys would help me see if this is a good explorer test question or not by answering it on the replies. thanks, -chris f. You are called to a SWAT officer down at a school hostage situtation. You arrive at the Staging Area to find that no contact has been made with...
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    First Responder Paramedic Trauma Bag FULLY STOCKED

    RE: Reply 10-4 thanks for the info.
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    hey what's up? do you have any certifications and such? pm me or add me as a friend!

    hey what's up? do you have any certifications and such? pm me or add me as a friend!
  10. C

    Dispatcher Thread

    You guys should have a dispatcher thread.
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    2 Motorola VHF Radios (narrow band capable)

    I understand this thread is rather old but if you are still selling them I'd like to have pics and if you would state your price also.
  12. C

    First Responder Paramedic Trauma Bag FULLY STOCKED

    Selling First Responder/Paramedic Bag FULLY STOCKED for $250.00 . If interested contact me ASAP. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO VOLLIES IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE!!!!
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    Forum Signature

    Re: Reply Ok, Thanks for the tip I also love the thing you said I put in bold. Sounds like my chief.
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    My school's fire/ems explorer club! Check my school club that I started for next year. We are recruiting volunteers to assist in the club's administrative and online departments. So if you want to help us out please don't hesistate to contact me. Thanks, -C. R...
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    Forum Signature

    How do I make a forum signature?
  16. C

    Looking For Instructor to Provide FREE Wilderness First Aid

    Re: Reply Hi, I said the same to my supervisory officer. However, nobody listens to the probie!!! I had explained to them that absolutely nobody gives anything away for free and that there should be some reimbursement for such a certification. Again, however, they refused to listen and...
  17. C

    Looking For Instructor to Provide FREE Wilderness First Aid

    Hi, I've been designated by my group to find anyone who is a red cross or other first aid instructor that can provide free training for us (Youth Squad) and BLS CPR for us. We also request that the exam be a online exam if possible to cut down the expense and time of a in-person exam...
  18. C

    Places to Work as Ambulance Attendent (EMR Level)

    Re: Signature Hi, I was at work and the computers there have a program that inserts a auotmatic signature. So, Sorry I had no intention of putting that in there. Also, When I'm on-duty the crew chief is always the First Attendent and is a EMT-Critical Care or Higher. So, Esstentially...
  19. C

    Places to Work as Ambulance Attendent (EMR Level)

    Re:Replies Hi, According to my supervisors NYS requirements and regulations do not Prohibit a Certifed First Responder from serving as a secondary or on-call ambulance attendent in Volley services. However, in municipal services they must be a EMT-Basic or at least eligible for the EMT-B...
  20. C

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    Dispatch: GOVAC 10, GOVAC Base What's your twenty? GOVAC 10: Uhhhhhh. 10-5??? Dispatch: GOVAC 10, GOVAC Base Repeat your location is being requested! GOVAC 10: GOVAC Base, We are at Dunkin Donuts on the corner of Springfield Blvd. and 64th Ave. 5 mins. Later..... Dispatch: GOVAC...