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  1. C

    Assisted Ventilations with BVM?

    On a side note... I just read "A nonrebreather mask requires adequate breathing to pull oxygen into the lungs. it DOES NOT provide ventilation to a patient who is not breathing (Obviously) OR who is breathing inadequately. Then it shows a picture of an EMT using a BVM on a guy who seems to be in...
  2. C

    Assisted Ventilations with BVM?

    Thank you all so much for the awesome replies. I did read that wrong... It meant oxygen powered ventilation devices. I was starting to wonder there... Didn't make much sense. :lol: Just read that wrong. Got it now! Thanks a bunch guys
  3. C

    Assisted Ventilations with BVM?

    Have a quick question here! So if I am right on this... Let's say I respond to a PT having difficulty breathing. He is speaking full sentences, and is alert and calm. A nasal cannula would be the right choice here. If PT becomes visibly short of breath speaking 3-4 word sentences having...
  4. C

    Amr email

    Hey congrats HH :)
  5. C

    How many clinical hours did you get while training for EMT?

    I am hoping I get nice folks during mine... I will be doing 10 hours in the ER and 10 hour with the fire dept who keeps pretty busy here. (certain stations) I think there is 22 stations total here? They choose which station though. I am excited... I just hope like you said I am not stuck...
  6. C

    Distal and Proximal

    Yup! That too. It's when they threw proximal in there as well and I was goin wait what? makes perfect sense now. It's basically like mapping out exactly where the wound really is. The thing is if you tell the ER doc the PT has a forearm fracture I think he's gonna know what that means. :lol...
  7. C

    Distal and Proximal

    Perfect! That answered my question Robb thanks a bunch. :-) "Patient has a left leg amputation distal to the knee." That would be below and the other would be above right? But yeah... It seems a lot easier just to say below the knee etc. I guess they just want me to be familiar with these...
  8. C

    Distal and Proximal

    Why am I having such a hard time with this? I get that distal is further "distant" Proximal = closer to the torso. Whenever I hear how EMT's describe wounds using distal and proximal it seems opposite though. My last EMT instructor before I had to stop class a year ago told us you would say...
  9. C

    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    When I first started I asked a patient who was disabled about his medical history and I was using medical terminology which is a big no no. I forgot what I said but he looked at me and said "I don't know what that is." At least I learned to only use medical terminology with co workers etc...
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    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

  11. C

    having major class anxiety.

    Ghost are you referring to me? I am fine now. :) I am on call tonight actually.
  12. C

    Funny Things We Say To Make Our Patients Feel Better

    Got the stair chair out for a pt who just came back from the hospital. He was in his car in the passenger side, so this was a lift assist. Paramedic said "sir just grab on to me like you are hugging me okay?" Put him in the chair... (She's attractive) I wheel him inside his house, take off...
  13. C

    having major class anxiety.

    Thank you all so much... I really love these forums. Everyone is very nice and laid back. I've actually learned a lot here just by browsing too. I'm going to keep at it for sure! I am already signed up for the class and ready to go. Wheel- Thank you so much for your kind words. And yeah I...
  14. C

    having major class anxiety.

    I sure appeciate it anjel. Lol yeah I have heard it all... I even get the "everyone has panic attacks" thing too. Ah man it frustrates me. They really are awful. I have learned to stop thembefore they get crazy. So thats a plus... I just wish I could stop worrying about the smallest things. My...
  15. C

    having major class anxiety.

    Hey everyone. I'm on my Mobile so I am very sorry if my grammar isn't great. I am having some pre class anxiety. Class hasn't started yet and I actually had a panic attack today. Honestly, I have horrible anxiety. I have general anxiety disorder since I was a kid. I am 22 now. I have been on...
  16. C

    OPA vs NPA

    Gotcha! I kind of figured. Again, there is a chapter in my book on intubation but it says to follow your agencies protocols if you can even assist with them. I know with the fire dept here intubation is an ALS thing. So I was kind of shocked seeing it in my book.
  17. C

    OPA vs NPA

    Hey! Do either of you prefer one over the other? I know they are each used in different circumstances... but I don't think I have ever seen an OPA used on a PT before. Probably because they weren't fully clonked out and it may have caused a gag reflex. NPA's just seem so much easier. Have you...
  18. C

    Math. do you use it in the field?

    I was never good at math. I'm reading about title volume etc. These formulas are a bit confusing. I get the concept but do you ever use this in the field? And have to do these formulas in your head? I'm reading on oxygen cylinders and it says like D= 0.16 E=0.28 M=1.56... Etc. It says "example"...
  19. C

    tattoos in EMS

    I remember I saw a paramedic his whole skin was covered in them. I mean legs, arms, neck, chest, back, everything. He works part time. He's a reall cool guy but I think he's been turned down a few places because of it. He's a really good medic!
  20. C

    tattoos in EMS

    Where I am at nobody cares too much. I know one of the cities fire dept's close to me doesn't allow them but anywhere else it's okay as long as they aren't offensive. I have a sleeve myself and I have actually gotten a ton of compliments on it. It means a lot to me too. I passed out getting...