I have been collecting tattoo's for the past 12 years. I have full 2 sleeves on my arms, and I am now working on my chest and back.
Regardless of my own opinion I also understand it is still a sensitive subject with conservatives, the elderly, and some peoples perception of "professionalism." As a result, I do not get anything tattooed I can not cover with a long sleeve uniform collar shirt. The old saying "Anywhere where the judge can't see" applies in my mind. Not because I agree with it, but as long as gays, women, mentally ill, minorities, and anyone else are persecuted for being "different", so will people with tattoos. The difference is, I chose to be this way and I can wear a long sleeve uniform shirt and effectively eliminate my perceived difference, which I am grateful for.
When people see me off duty, they are absolutely blown away I am a Paramedic and also balancing a 3.5 GPA at university. Screw um..... Get as many tattoo's you want, just be willing and capable of abiding by "anywhere the judge can't see" rule of thumb, you will be fine.