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  1. L

    What is an EMT academy?

    Yeah, I forgot were not allowed to improve or change our structure. Every piece of training material I have sitting in my locker has EMSC in the copyright and comes from corporate. The training is going to be standardized. It is an ongoing process.
  2. L

    Fire Als transport vs other..

    Um, sorry you are wrong. With the exception of Seattle, very few dispatch centers in WA are government agencies. Most, while overseen by the sheriff, are private companies under contract. There is no valid argument as to why EMS should be performed by a government agency. Both government and...
  3. L

    Question regarding D tanks

    There is no government minimum. I have depleted many O2 tanks. So I guess the minimum would be at least 1psi :) There is a requirement as to how many tanks we have on board, but not the amount of O2 inside.
  4. L

    What is an EMT academy?

    AMR calls their new hire orientation an "academy" in an effort to standardize it nationwide.
  5. L

    Field tech?

    They wouldn't let me apply because I live more than 45 minutes away from Seattle. Not impressed with them or their so called professionalism. I have done some biohazard clean up in the past and its not fun. It won't help you get your state cert. If you want to do clean up like that I would apply...
  6. L

    HOW are you fellow Washingtonians getting agency affiliation?

    I got my affiliation with Cascade Ambulance in Ferndale (see my reply on your question on them as well). You do not need your state cert to be hired. Once hired, the ambulance company will submit paperwork to Olympia to get your state Cert. When I was hired by AMR I was in a class of 12 new...
  7. L

    Cascade Ambulance Ferndale, WA

    I used to work for them. They are IFT only. Bellingham Fire does all transports. They do have paramedics and RN's on call that they will use if they get a critical IFT. In addition to IFT they do standby's at Hannegin (sp?) speedway. They also do standby's for MMA fights at the Casino...
  8. L

    Ambulance Chaser

    I wonder if the back has been converted into a portable meeting room to meet with clients. Probably has a "jump kit" full of legal forms that will ensure he gets more money than you.
  9. L

    Fire Als transport vs other..

    King County Medic One and Seattle Fire Medic One are good at what they do. However, they hate to transport anyone who isn't "circling the drain". King County does not allow private ALS. That means as a Basic, I get turfed a lot of patients that really should go ALS. On the one hand the...
  10. L


    Our CCT units use Toughbooks and they hate them. They say they are very slow. The rest of our units use General Dynamics computers that were designed for the military. They are much tougher than the toughbooks as proven by the countless drops they take. Only thing I don't like about them is how...
  11. L

    Seattle/King County Fire and EMS politics.

    I will no longer comment in this thread as I feel it is leaning more to the non-informative. I will conclude my participation with this: The system is what it is. It works for us. Some of us work well with fire and others don't. I would assume this is true nationwide. I enjoy my job, I enjoy my...
  12. L

    Seattle/King County Fire and EMS politics.

    I don't know how long ago you worked here in King County, but it is not as bad as you make it sound. Sure, there are some engine crews that couldn't give a rats a** about us. That happens in every system. I have worked with almost every station in the city and can say that Seattle Fire and...
  13. L

    AMR orientation

    Uh no. The MEDS ePCR is standard company wide. MEDS was created by AMR for AMR. AMR does NOT use any other ePCR software, regardless of location or level. Scheduling is controlled by local unions. It is not called orientation anymore. The corporate terminology is "academy". Instructors...
  14. L

    AMR orientation

    AMR orientation is supposed to be uniform across the board. This is why they call it an Academy now and not Orientation. There will be certain local differences and the content may differ but for the most part the process and courses is uniform - as I was told in my class.
  15. L

    AMR 911 Contracts (National)

    And I am curious as to why they would want to know this.
  16. L

    Stair Chairs

    The tracks aren't supposed to be used for going upstairs. OP: we use the Stryker tracked ones. Let me ask you this, what is your back worth to you? Sure the Stryker and Fernos are expensive but how much will it cost to fix your back? In WA we are required by law to carry stair chairs...
  17. L

    AMR orientation

    It should be the same as Seattle and it is basically a long orientation. First few days are spent with basic policy and procedures, mapping, uniform fitting, etc. you will spend a full day driving an ambulance around your area with an FTO to get used to different hospitals and other pertinent...
  18. L

    AMR 911 Contracts (National)

    Question is why would you want to know this? Looking to go after their contracts?
  19. L

    Book question

    I don't know about that. From a treatment standpoint maybe. At this point in my career I am concerned with what drugs a patient needs. What I am concerned about is getting the patient to the right facility for treatment. I deal with EKG's on a daily basis. I don't deal with Cardiac...
  20. L

    Book question

    I have a pretty good understanding of the A&P behind cardiac function. I want to understand what is going on when Medics turf a patient down to me. While I want to ultimately learn more about the A&P I feel it is more important to learn EKG interpretation first since that is what I will...