Cascade Ambulance Ferndale, WA


Forum Crew Member
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Ran a forum search on this company and not much came up. Anyone familiar with Cascade? I was misinformed, thinking they only did IFT but it appears they are an ALS rig as well. Any info would be gladly welcomed- thanks! Happy Wednesday
I used to work for them. They are IFT only. Bellingham Fire does all transports.

They do have paramedics and RN's on call that they will use if they get a critical IFT.

In addition to IFT they do standby's at Hannegin (sp?) speedway. They also do standby's for MMA fights at the Casino that is on the Lummi Reservation. They do the Lummi High School football games as well.

They run 2 rigs on 24 hour shifts. They are pretty busy for the size they are doing on average about 15 calls per day between the 2 rigs.

If you get hired they will start you as part time / on call. Pay is about $11.00 /hr. You can work as much as you want and there are plenty of open shifts that you can fill.

Rick and Kayla (the owners) are nice and good people to work for. I was treated extremely well during my time with them. However, you need to remember they are a small, family company. Don't expect a bunch of high tech, top of the line equipment. For as small as they are, they do have decent equipment though.

Anything specific you want to know just shoot me a PM.
Hey Leo, thanks for the response(s). I might be an idiot, but I couldn't figure out how to IM you. I am 24 years old and live with my wife in Vancouver, WA so quite a bit south of Ferndale. We are both younger and have no kids, so we look forward to the idea of a semi-relocation. However, if I was to land a job at Cascade, we would be surviving on my income for a while. Would there be enough work to make that possible? Benefits at some point? Thanks man! Your responses are greatly appreciated!