Search results

  1. M

    What got you into EMS

    for me my father passed away 4 years ago having a grand mal seizure and bit his tongue off and choked on his blood the day i was supposed go over there for visitation, but i chose not to because of the state of inebriation i always find him in. 2 fifths jim beam a day user he was; and i felt so...
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    Just hired into EMS

    I'm pretty excited to finally be on board. I had my interview this morning and got a call this afternoon for the position. Its within my hospital I transport at so I just have to wait the 2 week transfer process before I begin. I'm starting out on the routine truck- no biggie, since it's...
  3. M

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    cut me off at 70; passed.
  4. M

    NREMT Basic, in reality

    none of the books and practice tests did any justice at all for the questions asked on the exam i took- and i spent about 60 bucks on books; all i can say is whatever is in the current brady book you have- that is what the test wants, all these books/sites are all off 2011 and earlier curriculum...
  5. M

    Scheduled my NREMT

    thanks CG i passed with a cutoff at 70 questions; stoked!
  6. M

    probably a stupid question for po asa

    i know its not a contraindication but i still wouldnt double up on the anti clotting factors; like i said thats just me- unless its a grim situation. it all boils down to clinical judgement imo. i mean if med direction ordered it i would; but i wouldnt call them asking for permission at the...
  7. M

    probably a stupid question for po asa

    if the patient was already on Coumadin(Warfarin) i probably wouldnt give them aspirin unless absolutely necessary. but thats imo edit: id keep ALS in mind if you're not paired with a medic and just transport them and get them to the ER
  8. M

    Bag Valve Mask on the NREMT

    i been taking the tests in that "success for the EMT" workbook that came with my brady 12th edition; but it is based off 10th edition stuff, and i missed that type of question the answer that book had was BVM because his respirations was over 20; i initially put NRB @15 but i was wrong; i...
  9. M

    Scheduled my NREMT

    ive scheduled mine for the 7th at 8 am; wish me luck as well!
  10. M

    NREMT Lab

    congrats! i finished all my other skills early on and was pacing back n forth a good hour or so before i did the medical assessment- that was the only one i was worried about. and it turned out i got one of the easiest yet hardest ones. chief complaint was "oh i just dont feel good" at the...
  11. M

    NREMT Lab

    cool! i just finished all my skills ( trauma, medical, traction splint, long board, KED, AED) written (94%) and clinicals and stoked to take the NREMT in a week or so; just waiting for grades to get put up and cleared on the registry site. good luck!
  12. M

    Question on long board

    ah now i see... thank you for your help! ill relay this knowledge to the rest of the class mos def!
  13. M

    Question on long board

    awesome man thanks alot man! ill have to hit them up in class tuesday sicne we been doing practicals on KEd and extrication trauma recently i want to throw this out to the class for real!; damn good info man thanks again! edit; so if there was a need for c-spine to begin with you would do KED...
  14. M

    Question on long board

    wow- nice! never would have thought of that... i love being on the field you learn a bunch of tricks; so on the KED the head actually is at the groin area and you wrap around the legs from the outside? edit; but with that being said; if the KED is flipped upside down how is C-spine...
  15. M

    Question on long board

    around here they use a PASG or MAST trousers for pelvic stability; from what ive seen in my clinicals... KED is awesome tho- totally throws out the need for short spine boards anymore. but i guess if a KED is all you have to work with you gotta use it- but i dont see how that would help with a...
  16. M

    need help studying

    some things that help me while going through the modules: read the chapters over and over in between the off days. once you finish the end of 1 chapter; read it again! then that second time around get you some index cards and just jot down in shorthand and abbreviations something out of...
  17. M

    the jump to medic after basic training- pros and cons.

    thanks for the replies guys; a lot of good answers in here. Linuss i never said you were a bad medic lol, i was just quoting something that i have read over and over researching into this. I just needed some second opinions other than the people around me, and i figured this would most...
  18. M

    the jump to medic after basic training- pros and cons.

    I know this type of topic has been done before, but i'd like to discuss the pros and cons of the jump to medic right after completing basic. Here is the scenario; I will be done with my basic training in may ( hopefully registry as well) right now im top of my class with A midterm- aced...
  19. M

    Obtaining BGL

    yeah that sounds about right to me.... but it's still ridiculous imo. a person schooled and trained in interventions and emergencies is considered lower in standards than the person that has not been trained to do the simple things themselves to prevent a call to EMS. Seems like a catch-22 in...
  20. M

    Obtaining BGL

    It's out of scope of practice here in NE MS- a lot of things are :sad: Also MS decided to nerf AEMT because the board believed it takes away from the paramedic- ie. everyone will hire AEMTs instead so they can pay them less... etc. You gotta go to TN for an advanced certification- that is the...