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  1. M

    EMT-IVs working in hospital settings

    and then the Question is, is the ER/ED pre hospital or not has the pt been admitted to the ER or to the floor(hospital) that's always an ongoing disagreement, if you look at the admission process pt's have to be admitted to the floor from the ER/ED.
  2. M

    medic questions

    USAF said it better than I probably can, take it slow get experience,most TEMS classes won't even accept students that are not attached to LE team, plus you must have experience in the field, once you get on a team don't get discouraged SWAT(tatictal teams) are very close knit and will take a...
  3. M

    Menstrual blood loss

    Hey yall Know what used tampons are good for............................ answer: TEA BAGS FOR VAMPIRES, HA HA HA HA , thats funny I dont care who you are.
  4. M

    What do you carry 24/7 while on or off the job?

    Ok this is from down south: can of dip watch wallet(im a medic usually not much cash) black ink pens at least 2 knives a Taurus 24/7 millenum pro .40 cal(concealled carry gun) plus multitude of other hand guns just chose revolver or automatic then chose caliber. AR-15 or remington .300...
  5. M

    Tricks of staying alert and awake?

    hot sauce on the ball sack works wonders, I think I have done it to much though I can now pee after eating 50 hot wings (without washing may hands first) with no problem.
  6. M

    ecg question

    yea could have been any thing causing that, lead 2 is good for any obvious arrhythmia, 12 lead would have been better to answer your question
  7. M

    Staging for PD

    we have state protocols for staging however it is ultimately up to my partner and I, sometimes pd will advise us to stage and IF I have my gear and have another TEMS medic as my partner we may got to an unsecure scene depends upon dispatch info.
  8. M

    What Would You Buy and Why?

    check out the mini ambulance @ they range any where from $30,000 to $60,000 hard to justify for the price but the "cool Value" is really good. I am not "plugging this company" just some info I came across a few years back when researching equipment to upgrade our event...
  9. M

    Patient falling in an awkward position

    Nope! Father M did it with his trusty pin knife and a tube from an ink pen
  10. M

    The importance of assessment before automatically treating.

    I think(yes my head hurts) all Medics should go through a T3C (Tatictal combat cassualty care)class. Ems is always evolving it's up to all of us to try and keep up. yes a .45 to the head is hard to miss. generally have blood and csf coming from any opening, normally at lest one eye bulged out ect.
  11. M

    Are supervisors from private companies allowed to 800 you?

    No one is "checking" my truck but my supervisors or manager, of course the state EMS office can do spot checks whenever they like.
  12. M

    BLS questions

    University of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham has several entrances for ambulances, of course there is the ER/ED for 911 or nonemergency calls also can use for IFT if you chose, however you can also pull directly to the building that your IFT is going to, UAB is a large teaching hospital that...
  13. M

    To check a blood sugar, or not check?

    I see nothing wrong with checking a BGL on the pt you described. I check a BGL on almost all of my PT's, if they are sick enough for an IV they are sick enough for a BGL check, just treat it as you would a BP, Pulse, respirations, O2 sat, cardiac monitor ect its all a dianostic tool to help you...
  14. M

    Volunteer Fire Department or Red Cross? Great courses, this is the link above, I get to provide the medical support for the AgERT field traing course that is held in Auburn.
  15. M

    Event EMS in America

    The service I work for provides the medical coverage to a major division 1 college, this includes football, baseball, basketball, soccer, womens softball, womens basketball, equestrian, swiming and diving as needed, concerts, student activities events, also highschool football for 7 different...
  16. M

    blood pressure readings

    what Linuss said, Yep
  17. M

    "Proper narrative Descriptions"

    Dont forget CTDFTD, circlein the drain fixin to die, or from another post DGTJACB, done gone to jesus aint comming back
  18. M

    "you actually wrote that in a Run Report"...

    DGTJACB that was a medics entire report, I belive he got fired for that. (Done gone to Jesus, aint comming back)
  19. M

    I work with slobs

    I've got to agree with ven and others, little or no clean up should be needed, when you open it,or discard something simply place it in the plastic container the "Ambu bag " came in, when you move the pt pick up the bag, it will come with practice, we carry a small sharps contaier in or...
  20. M

    Students and other EMT`s on Ride Alongs?

    Lifting and moving PT's should be a part of the clinical experience, one of the first things I do with new students is to go over the ambulance and practice loading and unloading the stretcher. I generally expect medic students to have some knowledge ot stretcher operations, but Basic students...