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  1. FLMedic311


  2. FLMedic311

    Rocket League

    Anybody else around eher addicted to this game?
  3. FLMedic311

    Training Equipment

    Anyone have any guidelines that their dept uses for determining how often they replace manikins for ACLS or otherwise? Also how many IV attempts do you believe you get per IV arm prior to changing out skin/veins?
  4. FLMedic311


    SO.. A little late with posting this so I apologize but we are hiring as many as 5 candidates this year here in King County Washington! The process closes on March 31st so there is still time to get your application in. Also, you will need to schedule to take a test with the PST Network here...
  5. FLMedic311


    Hey all! As usual putting it out there for anyone who is interested. Hiring closes on March 31st. Starting wage is currently 19.90/Hr and 35.40/Hr upon completion of Paramedic training. You do have full benefits while in PMT and earn towards retirement. I here we may be hiring as many as 6...
  6. FLMedic311

    It's That Time, KCM1 Now Hiring

    Please feel free to ask questions!…/emer…/medic-one/employment.aspx King County Medic One employment - King County King County Medic One (KCM1) is a county-operated EMS system that is the sole provider of pre-hospital 911...
  7. FLMedic311

    So I just saw this..

  8. FLMedic311

    New CPR Adjunct Device

    Just Saw this, Thoughts?? No posted RCTs as of yet..
  9. FLMedic311

    41y/M CP

    SO you are dispatched to a 41y M pt and on arrival of a fairly clean appearing home you find the pt just past the front door, sitting on the floor half in the jacket/shoe closet. He is clearly pale cool and diaphoretic. He is a/o x4 and complains of chest and side pain. The pt sts that 4 days...
  10. FLMedic311


    Just a FYI, this years application date ends April 1st, and I also have heard that we may be hiring 4 this year...? Not 100% on that. Good luck to all, and if you have questions, feel free!
  11. FLMedic311

    Montgomery County Hospital District

    If anybody on here is from or knows anyone from this dept. I would love to get in contact with them. Thanks again!
  12. FLMedic311

    Pre-Hospital Chest Tubes/Thoracostomy

    Just curious who out there are doing field chest tubes or finger thoracotomy and what your indications/protocols are for the procedure? What are your thoughts on them and or any Pearls you would like to share? Thanks again!