Search results

  1. LACoGurneyjockey

    Combat-tested abdominal/junctional tourniquet proven equivalent to REBOA

    Thoughts on this? Anyone have any experience with it?
  2. LACoGurneyjockey

    Liberty Ambulance Kern County Hiring EMTs and Paramedics

    Liberty Ambulance located in Kern County is hiring for EMT and Paramedic positions. The job opening is ongoing and has no expiration date. To apply please contact the office at 760-375-9545 during normal business hours, or PM me here for more details or questions. Pay is $11/hr for EMTs on a...
  3. LACoGurneyjockey

    Debatable 12 lead

    Transported this elderly male for chest pain, ran into a cardiologist who disagreed with my interpretation of this 12 lead. So I'm looking for some more opinions on it. Any more info that's needed Id be happy to provide.
  4. LACoGurneyjockey

    Generalized weakness and SOB

    You respond code 3 for difficulty breathing to find a 71 year old male sitting in his recliner at home. The patients daughter meets you at the door to tell you her father can't breath and is extremely weak. She came to check on him this morning after he hasn't been feeling well for 2 days. When...
  5. LACoGurneyjockey

    I just need some water!!!

    You respond to the local greyhound bus station for a 48 year old male complaining of difficulty breathing and left sided chest pain. He says the difficulty breathing started 3 hours ago while he was on the bus and progressively got worse until now. The chest pain started 3 days ago, he says it...
  6. LACoGurneyjockey

    Delano Ambulance Hiring EMTs

    Delano Ambulance Service in Delano CA is hiring for full time EMTs. It's a small, tight knit company running 3 ALS (P/B staffing) and 1 BLS unit out of 1 station. 72 and 96 hour shifts. Starting EMT pay is $10.00/hr. Primary 911 with a BLS fire dept, and the possibility of company assistance...
  7. LACoGurneyjockey

    Penetrating traumatic arrest, work or not?

    You have a mid 30s male with multiple gsw's to the chest. Pulseless and apneic, showing a wide complex PEA at a rate of 30 on the monitor, fixed pupils. Call time was 15 minutes ago but bystanders can't advise any details on pt condition prior to arrival. Who out there would work it, who would...
  8. LACoGurneyjockey

    San Luis Ambulance

    Any current or past employees have some info on San Luis Ambulance, SLO county protocols, etc. There's a few threads about them already but nothing in the last few years. Any info is appreciated, including but not limited to: Starting medic pay Company morale Benefits/Retirement Schedule Field...
  9. LACoGurneyjockey

    Haix Airpower XR1 boots Size 10.5

    Got these as a gift and wore them for a couple shifts before deciding they were the wrong size. Asking $150. Barely used, PM if interested.
  10. LACoGurneyjockey

    Hypotensive to hypertensive trauma

    Had an MVA the other day, car got rear ended at about 60-70 from a stop. Front seat restrained passenger, no airbags, orher vehicle's driver said the patient was unconscious for an unknown amount of time. 4-5ft of deformity to the rear passenger side of the car. Patient was a GCS of 7-10 enroute...
  11. LACoGurneyjockey

    Fatal ambulance carjacking Hall ambulance unit stolen at knife point, crashed head on into semi. Semi burst into flames and the driver was found dead at the scene. The woman who stole the ambulance was ejected and also called on scene.
  12. LACoGurneyjockey

    Creative suctioning

    Went out for an unconscious, and ended up with a respiratory arrest and the chunkiest vomit I've ever had. And the best part was it just kept coming. Kept clogging the yankauer suction and we and the ER had little to no success suctioning. They ended up just RSI'ing thru it on the 4th try. I was...
  13. LACoGurneyjockey

    Aurora FD for the win

    I realize sexual harassment is no laughing matter, but I have to laugh at this. The recording is pure brilliance.
  14. LACoGurneyjockey

    Single Role FD Medics

    I know there's a few threads on here about this already, but I'm just trying to get some more/new information. I'm trying to make a list of fire departments with single role paramedics. Nothing where they require a single role medic promotes to an engine medic, and nothing that requires time on...
  15. LACoGurneyjockey

    Transition to new SMR protocol

    Our county just put out the draft for a new Spinal Motion Restriction protocol to take effect in June, in the past having collared and boarded any and everyone with any physical findings or ALOC in a setting of trauma. Grandma rolled out of bed and has some hip/femur pain? Well that's a...
  16. LACoGurneyjockey

    Naloxone in septic shock

    Another thread here got me reading on the use of narcan in septic shock patients. There's several studies suggesting it raises the BP significantly, but having no real improvement in survival rates. The only mechanism I can find is the endorphins released in septic shock in part causing the...
  17. LACoGurneyjockey

    Unconscious 64 y/o

    Your ALS unit is dispatched priority 1 for an unconscious patient. You arrive to find a 64 year old female GCS of 3 in bed. Skins warm pale dry, agonal respirations at 4/min, family reports she was last seen normal 10-30 minutes ago. History of diabetes and A-Fib. Only meds are "some diabetes...
  18. LACoGurneyjockey

    Cardiac Arrest Save

    You respond to the local gym for a reported cardiac arrest. Enroute dispatch updates there is an AED on site. Shortly after they advise the AED has shocked the patient twice. You arrive to find a late 50s male lying supine on the floor by the free weights, GCS of 5. Pulse is rapid and strong...
  19. LACoGurneyjockey

    Imperial County Schaefer

    Looking for any info on Schaefer Ambulance out of Imperial co, and anyone else running out there. Thinking about relocating and I'm just trying to get some solid info. Pay, schedule, call volume, morale, any and all info is appreciated.
  20. LACoGurneyjockey

    HEMS Providers San Diego County

    Who is currently handling HEMS throughout San Diego county? I know Mercy Air has several areas but I haven't been able to find anyone else for the rest of the county. I went thru the county EMS website, as well as a few google searches and didn't turn up much.