Search results

  1. firecoins

    Australian Paramedic Student looking for experience

    I am sure this can be arranged at the FDNY in NYC albeit I don't know who to talk to. You can try Empress EMS in Yonkers (north border of NYC) Lots of students come to observe. You will get lots to observe here.
  2. firecoins

    Panama City Beach/Mexico Beach Florida

    Anyone from Mexico Beach? I will be in town for an event on 3/25 to 3/28.
  3. firecoins

    Ironman Triathlon

    Has anyone done this? I volunteered for the 1s inaugural NYC Ironman tournament, I wish to do this despite being 80lbs overweight and have already begun tr For the last 2 weeks I have gone out on runs, done 30 minute elliptical workouts and 30 minute stationary bike workouts. I have...
  4. firecoins

    Bowers again

    We don't have enough threads on Bowers or other L.A. Based companies. Post if you heard of bowers.
  5. firecoins

    NYC comedy/magic show July 15th.

    I am performing in a show this Friday July 15th $10 The Major Arcana 7pm - Gotham City Improv 48 West 21st Street - 8th Floor NY, NY I will be performing psychic readings, Yes I do those and stand up comedy.
  6. firecoins

    portable o2 regulator with valve for vent

    Does anyone have one of these? where could I get one?
  7. firecoins

    obese pt unable to be loaded into ambulance How much is 60 stone?
  8. firecoins

    mad dies after calling 911 10 times \ Ambulances were dispatched three times on Saturday, Feb. 6, to the couple's home in the 5100 block of narrow Chaplain Way, but couldn't get there because of the snow. Paramedics twice asked whether Mr. Mitchell could walk to an...
  9. firecoins

    outside interests

    Outside of EMS what other interests do you have? I love mentalism and stand up comedy.
  10. firecoins

    Gun Scenario

    You and your partner are called to a 4th floor apartment in an elevator building for the diff. breather. This neighborhood is referred to as the ghetto. You arrive at the building with no signs of PD or any other first responder on scene. Your partner and you gather your bags and a stair chair...
  11. firecoins

    transport companies in S. Florida.

    Well, the title says it all.
  12. firecoins

    one of the accused is a medic
  13. firecoins

    5 cops fired for beating CNN has/had an article with video of a suspect being beaten by 5 cops after being ejected from his vehicle at the end of the car chase. the 5 cops have been fired with a criminal investigation pending. The video...
  14. firecoins

    Mad Cow disease kills expert. I am interested as to how he got it.
  15. firecoins

    synthetic blood ready for human trials Very interesting. I wonder how it will be stored. We may be able to carry this. I bolded the source since pro-lifers may have a problem with this.
  16. firecoins

    cops discplined over lack of paperwork document, document, document.
  17. firecoins

    pictures of patient posted by RNs

    Well this topic doesn't seem to get old. 2 RNs posted pictured of a sex object lodged in a man's rectum on their facebook. Apparently no faces or names but still not a good situation.
  18. firecoins

    ER closed after contamination
  19. firecoins

    14 year old on traffic patrol,0,6467334.story
  20. firecoins

    Respiratory Therapy

    So I have completed my medic class last August. I have completed the NYS practical exam and will be taking the writen NYS exam in December. MY NREMT-P practical is on Saturday and I will schedule the written shortly after that. Anyway next year I am thinking onf getting my respiratory...