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  1. N

    Preceptorship please tell me how yours worked.

    My clinical time for basic consisted of 5 hours in the ER and 5 in triage. I reported to the charge nurse when I arrived for the ER time. I was instructed to get vitals on various patients and report back to the nurse. I also assisted in bagging a patient until the respiratory therapist...
  2. N

    EMT procedure

    I can't speak for NYC in particular, but taking statements and names of witnesses is not an EMT's job. EMTs are trained to notify police if they suspect foul play or think their scene is potentially unsafe.
  3. N

    Your first code

    My first code was when I was 16. Kinda just did everything without even thinking. The family was extremely calm and the guy was obviously dead for a while. Didn't really affect me. Not sure when this happened, but send me a message if you need to talk through anything that happened.
  4. N

    What is your most ridiculous call?

    Toned out for rectal bleeding for a man at police HQ requesting an ambulance. Turns out, he had retracted his foreskin and it got stuck. He tried for 3 hours to get it back over the head to no avail. Worst part was giving the report to the nurse in the ER.
  5. N

    New FDNY Ambulance

    Another ambulance purchasing choice I cannot understand is that of a local volley squad near where I live. They have a call volume of about 1200/year in a wealthy township with 10-15 minute transport times to 2 major hospitals and 15-20 to the regional trauma center and slightly longer to the...
  6. N

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    What's Smoking? Dispatch: Respond to residence for a hazardous condition. The caller states his dog peed in the electrical outlet and it is smoking. Engine: Responding. What's smoking? The dog or the outlet? Fire Chief: Dispatch, please repeat the call. Dispatch: Respond to residence...
  7. N

    Desensitized to blood--or not?

    I've never minded blood. Vomit's another story though. The smell really gets to me. Speaking of smells... walking into a room of a vasovagal patient is always wonderful...
  8. N

    Anyone use the Critical App?

    No matter how good an app is, it is no replacement for keeping up with your skills and protocols. If you need an app to provide adequate patient care, you need to refresh your skills or find a new job. Imagine the patients seeing you take out your phone to find out how to care for them. Maybe...
  9. N

    What's the point of dual medic?

    Same in NJ. In our back-asswards system, all ALS providers are hospital-based. Unless a city's 911 service is contacted with a hospital-based ALS service, all primary ambulances to a scene are BLS only. On ALS calls, the dispatcher can dispatch an ALS crew (2 medics in either a rig or an SUV) at...
  10. N

    Legally, can a 16 year old EMT...

    Just to clarify, in NJ, you can become an EMT at 16, but you get a "provisional" certification until you turn 18. Provisional EMTs can do anything a regular EMT can except be left alone with a patient either on scene or in the back of a rig.
  11. N

    Legally, can a 16 year old EMT...

    In NJ, an EMT under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an EMT who is over 18 at all times. However, this is not always followed. Check with the PA EMS office as well as your squad.
  12. N

    Preventing lobby lock outs

    How about a FatIvan? I'm a new member, so it won't let me insert a link...