EMT procedure


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I am researching EMT procedure in NYC for a book and was wondering if anyone could help me out with a few quick questions either by providing answers or suggesting a better venue/resource for the answers. First question, when 911 is called because someone has passed out in public with no obvious known cause (such as trauma), do the police automatically respond along with the EMTs? If the answer is no, then while responding, if an EMT suspects possible foul play, what do they do? Take statements? Take names of witnesses? Or just call the police?

All responses are greatly appreciated!
I can't speak for NYC in particular, but taking statements and names of witnesses is not an EMT's job. EMTs are trained to notify police if they suspect foul play or think their scene is potentially unsafe.
we also try to preserve the scene / evedence as much as we can .... if we can.
PD is usually assigned to calls when they are available.

All EDPs almost always have PD onscene first or within a priority time-frame. They don't respond lights and sirens to 9/10 EMS jobs unless they involve time sensitive police related matters.

We don't take statements. We don't care about witnesses. If the police aren't there, and I have a patient, quite frankly its not my problem. If its an MVA and the patient is just being obnoxious and wants to be "checked out" then I will wait for PD to show up. If they need a hospital, sorry I am leaving.