Preventing lobby lock outs


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Hello everyone.

Many moons ago, I came across a website that advertised adhesive tags that are to be put on door jambs to prevent fist responders from being locked out of the apartement's lobby.

My searches have thusfar been fruitless, therefore, can anybody provide me with some links?

I would suggest a piece of rubber inner tube with a hole in each end. You attach it to the inside / outside door handle and it covers the latch. When your done take it off. This way it is also reusable.
Hello everyone.

Many moons ago, I came across a website that advertised adhesive tags that are to be put on door jambs to prevent fist responders from being locked out of the apartement's lobby.

My searches have thusfar been fruitless, therefore, can anybody provide me with some links?


Could you describe a situation in which this would need to be used please?
Apartment or similar building that requires a key or access code at the front door. Fire usually has that info while the private ambs do not. Fire has to prop open the door for the amb.
Ahh so it's a first responder thing? Clear the way for the ambo who arrives later?
Thanks med51fl, that's an excellent idea. We frequent apartment buildings fairly frequently and often prop the doors with a bag or whatever else we can find.

In an ideal world we would have access to the Knox Box, but with so many rigs on the road, I'm sure the set up cost would be prohibitive.
Cheap solution is to get scrap wood and cut them into wedges, paint them a bright color and there you go. Perfect way to prop doors open and the bright color will ensure you don't forget them. If they do get left behind or it gets contaminated somehow your not out a bunch of money.

I used to do this when I was a cop conducting building searches. Even our SWAT team used these and I have seen numerous firefighters use them. Fire supply stores even sell plastic wedges if your so inclined.

Why waste money on a gimmick device when you can have them for free or extremely cheap? I made 50 of them, including paint for $5.

When it comes to doors and entry, the only people better than firefighters are SWAT teams. Check with them to see how they prop doors open. Wedges and ties you will find are the most common. K.I.S.S.
Like the above poster said, some door chocks outta do the trick. There are all kinds of door chocks out there to be purchased but making them is very easy.

Wedges are popular, and i like cherry bombers as well. Its just a wooden dowel with a bent nail in the top, hang it on the inside of the hinge. Here is a pic:
How about a FatIvan?
I'm a new member, so it won't let me insert a link...
Here's the link:
Sure, it works. But it's $15 a pop. I like the Cherry Bombers idea on the VES site. you can make a half dozen for that cost.

Here's another device, aimed more at the LEO market (because it comes in tactical black ;):

I'll use my flashlight (Surefire G2L) on a short-term basis for running to the truck and getting back in - but no way will I leave it sitting in the door out of my sight. I usually stuff it in the hinge area of the door and it holds the door open discreetly (no obvious chock for someone to kick out.
I used to carry a length of wooden dowel that I would use to hold the door open at hotels. You just pop it in between the frame and the door or just put it on the floor where the door doesn't close. Kind of the same concept as a flashlight but less likely to walk off.
I used to carry a length of wooden dowel that I would use to hold the door open at hotels. You just pop it in between the frame and the door or just put it on the floor where the door doesn't close. Kind of the same concept as a flashlight but less likely to walk off.

Yeah. As I said- I only use the light for times when I'm within sight of the door.
Really people?!?!?!?! REALLY? 12 posts in this thread and NO ONE has posted the obvious?

Duct Tape.
Having been in a billion apartments for calls (OK, hyperbole, probably only 900 million) I've never done anything but stick one of the ubiquitous free papers/junk mail in the door over the latch or drag the mat into the doorframe. Works everytime.
Really people?!?!?!?! REALLY? 12 posts in this thread and NO ONE has posted the obvious?

Duct Tape.

Heavy commercial door locks can punch right through duct tape.

I jut drop the clipboard there, or a Sam splint. I suck at carrying stuff around for that specific task.
That just means you need more duct tape. :P:P:P
That just means you need more duct tape. :P:P:P


But I'm surprised everyone is having this indepth discussion about complex devices to hold doors open and ignoring the obvious solution: firefighters! They're not just walking IV poles anymore! ;)


I kid, I kid. :P
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Gaft tape is much better.


This is what I have, it'll break tempered glass, cut a seatbelt, has a gas shutoff key, an oxygen key, and it's a spanner. It ca also pry open windows or hold doors open. Great tool, would recommend it.