Search results

  1. N

    Hospital based EMS.

    All ALS in NJ is run through the hospitals and affiliated services. EMS in Worcester, MA is also hospital based (UMASS).
  2. N

    Advanced certifications??

    There's also PHTLS/ITLS & PEARS/PEPP.
  3. N

    GS-05 grade level?

    I'm trying to figure out if my experience qualifies me for a parks service EMT job. Minimum qualification is for the GS-05 grade level. I have 2 summers full-time working as an EMT at a summer camp, as well as 2 years volunteering as an EMT. I also will have 1 full year of college completed...
  4. N

    Laws and animals

    Generally, unless an animal is a service animal, it should not be in the ambulance.
  5. N

    NJ Re-certification help

    NJ has no (re)certification requirement regarding employment. Just as long as you get all your CEUs, you're fine.
  6. N

    NJ Re-certification help

    You need to take the 24-hour refresher / bridge course and retake the state test. More information here: Click on I Am Already a: NJ EMT --> I am an expired EMT
  7. N

    Entrapment and resuscitation

    Right, so the pt is dead to the extent that we don't need to treat as BLS, but not officially dead until ALS gets there to pronounce.
  8. N

    Entrapment and resuscitation

    EMTs in NJ cannot pronounce a person dead unless there are "obvious signs of death." But since entering the vehicle could pose a threat to my safety, I would wait for ALS to arrive to pronounce.
  9. N

    cot lifts for ambulance

    One of the services near me in NJ has something similar. It seems to work well for them.
  10. N

    Paracetamol with Ibuprofen

    I know many hospital settings will use the combo for peds with high fevers.
  11. N

    How long does it take to get NJ Test results.

    When I took it a couple years ago, I had to wait about 2-3 weeks. But I'm pretty sure it's faster now.
  12. N

    How long for MA reciprocity?

    They finally responded to my email and said that my certification will probably not be processed until April. 2-3 months for processing - bureaucracy at its best.
  13. N

    RN to Paramedic

    According to the FL Dept. of Health: "As a physician, dentist or RN, how do I become certified? A Florida licensed physician, dentist, or nurse may apply for certification as a paramedic and subsequently challenge the paramedic exam, provided he/she holds a Florida EMT certificate which is...
  14. N

    Anyone working for Boston EMS?

    I've heard great things about Worcester EMS. All their rigs are dual-medic. There aren't a whole lot of them, so it's an extremely high call volume per shift.
  15. N

    Newish EMT still in college

    MONOC hires EMTs for the summer to staff their EMS contract at the PNC Bank Arts Center. I think applications for that will be available by mid-April. Six Flags also hires for the summer.
  16. N

    How long for MA reciprocity?

    I'm certifying using NR, I also had to send a verification letter I already got from NJ where I am also certified. I was under the impression they would mail me the card - will I have to go pick it up?
  17. N

    How long for MA reciprocity?

    I sent my reciprocity forms to the MA OEMS about 2 weeks ago. How long should I expect it to take until they mail me my MA card?
  18. N

    What equipment would you want

    How about full body vacuum splints? New radios or charting computers?
  19. N

    7 yo SOB

    At this point, I'd still consider this respiratory distress, but nearing failure. Since they were at the lake earlier, there's a chance of this being 'dry drowning.'
  20. N

    7 yo SOB

    What's his O2 saturation? Assuming it's diminished, as BLS, I'll call for ALS and start him on O2 via NRB (NC if the mask causes him more anxiety). Try to keep him as calm as possible and get to the closest peds ER.