NJ Re-certification help


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I was a certified EMT-B in New Jersey, but my certification expired in 2011 and I haven't renewed it because life got in the way. Now I want to try again. Can I regain my cert without going through the full training course again? At one point, it was a matter of taking a Core 13 course and passing the state exam, but that was two years ago. Is that still the case?

Thanks for any help in advanced!
You need to talk with your state licensure agency, everything is changing at this time in the north east part of the country. If your state has already made the transition to NREMT and reciprocal licensing then I think you are stuck with having to take the entire program over at this point.
They are not going to give him grief about not having worked as an EMT in over two years?
NJ has no (re)certification requirement regarding employment. Just as long as you get all your CEUs, you're fine.
They are not going to give him grief about not having worked as an EMT in over two years?

from what I gather in Pa its going to be as long as your EMT expired within 1 certification period (3 years) a refresher or 24 con-eds will allow you to be eligible to take the NREMT exam for reciprocity
New Jersey no longer offers a Core 13. The currently use a refresher program consisting of three 8 hours courses, including the new expanded (very minimal) scope. The the sections are A-Airway M-Medical and T-Trauma. Some places offer them over a weekend Thursday Friday then Sat and Sun. Some one class a week, rotating. Depends where you go.
from what I gather in Pa its going to be as long as your EMT expired within 1 certification period (3 years) a refresher or 24 con-eds will allow you to be eligible to take the NREMT exam for reciprocity

That is the catch though, NREMT will not let you recert unless you have the papers signed off by your employer, therefore; to my understanding you would have to go through the entire process to obtain EMT again. He has never worked as an EMT that is what I thought would jam him up. Might be wrong though, just the way I read the re-certification instructions at NR.