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  1. Gustavo

    Nremt Exam

    did that and i never said i wasn't going to stop re reading everything again, im asking for more advice in what i can do to improve my chances in passing.
  2. Gustavo

    Nremt Exam

    Going to take my nremt exam in a couple weeks, any advice before taking the exam? Something i can review or know much more about? thank you.
  3. Gustavo

    Can't pass NR? Look here, you must!

    Thats the JB learning app. But what about for people trying to learn the material for example learn a definition, that app just helps you with questions.
  4. Gustavo

    NREMT Prep

    I understand, but what if i don't know a certain word from a question or cant remember what the signs and symptoms are of a definition then what?
  5. Gustavo

    NREMT Prep

    So i took my nremt last Friday and found out i did not pass, i was really bummed out at first but realized i have 2 more tries not including the refresher course, I really want to pass the nremt on my second attempt. I've been thinking should i make flashcards of every definition for each...
  6. Gustavo

    EMT Crash Course Book

    If you don't mind can you post the link where I can purchase jb learning ?
  7. Gustavo

    EMT Crash Course Book

    Where on JB learning do I go to get help?? If you don't mind can you post up a link
  8. Gustavo

    EMT Crash Course Book

    Doesn't that website only give you quizzes?
  9. Gustavo

    EMT Crash Course Book

    regular class book? As in the orange book right ?
  10. Gustavo

    EMT Crash Course Book

    i bought the EMT Crash Course book,has anyone used this book before? Is this book good enough to pass the NREMT? Is there something else that's better that I should be using? Give me advice,I'm studying really hard and want to pass my NREMT.
  11. Gustavo

    Having Trouble Passing NREMT-B - Suggestions?

    Got my results today morning failed my 1st attempt but that's okay,just means I have to study much more. Got it on my second try :)
  12. Gustavo

    How good is studying off of the website "" ? I'm wondering if it will help me pass the NREMT.
  13. Gustavo

    How good is "" to study for the NREMT? Does that website help you pass the NREMT?

    How good is "" to study for the NREMT? Does that website help you pass the NREMT?
  14. Gustavo

    Best study guide book for the NREMT TEST?

    I just want people to post the books they used to pass the NREMT so I can read them all,all I've seen is Brady's books. What did you read ?
  15. Gustavo

    Best study guide book for the NREMT TEST?

    Just passed my EMT course and now it's time to study for the NREMT,what's the best book to study from? Besides re reading my EMT course book.