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  1. Hunter

    Lowest BP with patient asymptomatic?

    I know someone that runs an average if 80/40ish blood pressures are very patient specific, I hate using the phrase but; treat your patient, not your monitor.
  2. Hunter

    Our shop's new pride and joy: a vintage 1969 Econoline Ambulance

    No need, the only logical answer is original. Duh.
  3. Hunter

    Sent home for unsafe working conditions

    When you file your complaint make sure you check your spelling.
  4. Hunter

    Taxpayers paying to defend EMT accused of hitting on patient

    Quoted for truth. There's a huge difference between a patient finding you and you going out to find a patient using their personal information...
  5. Hunter

    Scariest Moment in EMS

    Used to be a truck art my old company that the ac unit howled, first time I heard that we were parked in a dark parking lot at 3am about to try and sleep...
  6. Hunter

    Give me your best guess

    Yeah... I gotta go with the dad on this one, your snark isn't required nor was it called for. To be honest his best bet is to do you best not to think about it, I did the same thing and my whole weekend sucked... whatever the results you can't change em now.
  7. Hunter

    Halloween 2013

    Working slower side of town, not expecting much tonight but you never know...
  8. Hunter

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Welcome Adrenalin feel free to ask questions! I learned a lot from these forums through school, just don't ask for direct answers for questions =D Theraphosidea, whys and hows are the best questions for a student and for a paramedic in the field. Keep asking, some people will tell you that...
  9. Hunter

    Why the hate on dialysis runs?

    This, it's specially true in real emergencies, people don't need us they need a hospital to fix them. They need an OR, blood transfusion, insuline drip, thrombolitics, xrays or.... dialysis... and our job is to get them to the most appropriate facility alive and to monitor them en route. Taking...
  10. Hunter

    Why the hate on dialysis runs?

    45 y/o m post dialysis, scheduled customer and we transport goon a few times a week, bp of 90/40 and dropping, BLS truck so can't get a line or ekg, keeps going in and out of consciousness. Transported to ER which was less than 3 minutes away, coded 30 seconds after we dropped him off, they...
  11. Hunter

    Identifying yourself as an EMT in Spanish

    Why would it be useless? Some uniforms look like cops or security. If you work somewhere that immigration is an issue distinguishing yourself as medical would only seem to help.
  12. Hunter

    Identifying yourself as an EMT in Spanish

    This is much better, I'm a native Spanish speaker, my first language. But everything you said it's spot on. I would go with ¿Hablas ingles? Instead of "Do you only speak Spanish?" It's a more natural way of conversing l, at least to me. A few other common questions. "¿Que está pasando hoy?"...
  13. Hunter

    the 100% directionless thread

    The Walking Dead time
  14. Hunter

    florida paramedic test

    There's a few threads on this, test hasn't changed in a while so do what they suggest. Can't find em for you because I'm on my phone, if not I would link it
  15. Hunter

    Tell us something about the person above you

    Person above me is switching to the dark side.
  16. Hunter

    I keep breaking my watches

    I've had the same g shock for a few years now. Good choice, you can get one for less than $100, might seem s little expensive but they last. Maybe try a different material for the band, if you're using links try the rubber/plastic ones.
  17. Hunter

    Tell us something about the person above you

    The person above me has lots of occupations.
  18. Hunter

    Paramedics targeted while saving lives

    Found on FB Time for DTEMS to visit Chicago?
  19. Hunter

    Gaming at Post

    I used to do it on night shifts at my ift job. But I used to do it on my laptop. Just made sure to hide it when I wasn't using it.
  20. Hunter

    First test for EMT class tomorrow...

    Relax if you've studied and paid attention you'll be fine. Good luck!