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  1. FF/EMT Sam

    Patient Care Follow-up/Survey

    Exactly what I was thinking!
  2. FF/EMT Sam

    Query from a journalist (and sincere apologies if I'm not welcome here)

    If you want to look into the ability of agencies to communicate with each other and get access to the same information, you may want to look into the countless jurisdictions in the U.S. where the only way for Fire/EMS units to communicate with the police is by calling dispatch and having them...
  3. FF/EMT Sam

    EMT sued for ambulance crash

    This article doesn't say a lot of importnat things, such as whether or not the driver followed his state's laws for running red lights. That said, he did have the lights and sirens on, and the victim could have avoided getting hit by NOT GETTING IN THE WAY OF THE AMBULANCE!!!!!
  4. FF/EMT Sam

    Case Study: Help!?!

    Step #1: Put the patient on O2 Step #2: Call for ALS Step #3: Load and go Step #4: Contact Medical Control and ask for their opinion. If I were you, I would want to give oral glucose, but my protocols would require an order for it since her glucose is >60.
  5. FF/EMT Sam

    right line, wrong time....

    lol! We had a situation a couple years ago involving a code at the jail. Naturally, everyone came runnign since it was a code, regardless of how they were dressed at the time. One female EMT, who was built a lot like your partner, was wearing...ummm...not much. I'll let you use your...
  6. FF/EMT Sam

    Dispatchers Say the Darndest Things...

    After making fun of our dispatchers for a while, I just had to pass on this jewel from the radio... (Keep in mind that this store is in the middle of a residential neighborhood where every yard is clealy visible, as the Medic d**n well knew...) Dispatch: Station G, respond ambulance to the...
  7. FF/EMT Sam

    I don't like blood

    Trauma Junkies of the world...Unite!!!!! The only thing that ever had me grossed out was the guy with half a head. He crashed his truck at 120 MPH, hit a tree, went through the windshield, bounced off the tree, went back through his windshield and the back window of his truck, bounced off...
  8. FF/EMT Sam

    I got the job!

    Just for you, Anna! Dang it...There goes the first paycheck...;)
  9. FF/EMT Sam

    I got the job!

    As of late March, I will be gainfully employeed as an EMT-B for a private ambulance service. I'll be taking patients to dialysis, doctor's appointments, and doing interfacility transfers. My coworkers seem to be a great bunch of people, and pay is good, the hours are flexible, and I'm just...
  10. FF/EMT Sam

    Call me an Idiot...

    EMS Rule #17: Until proven otherwise, all doctors on emergency scenes are gynecologists. EMS Rule #18: The exception to rule #17 is if the patient is in labor, in which case the doctor will invariably be a dermatologist.
  11. FF/EMT Sam

    EMT and LEO

    Yes. I married one of each at the same time. Major cat fight when they found out about each other. The EMT got pepper sprayed and the LEO got covered in D50 (Don't laugh...that :censored:'s freakin' impossible to get off). :P Sorry, I just couldn't...
  12. FF/EMT Sam

    Treatment for Pepper Spray

    Well, what were you dispatched for? What is the patient's chief complaint? If you were dispatched for him becuase he got pepper sprayed, but he's now in no obvious distress, then I'd get a set of vital signs and have an LEO sign a refusal for him...Press hard...Three copies...Done!
  13. FF/EMT Sam

    "High Schoolers and Heart Attacks..."

    How do any of us, regardless of age, do it? Darn if I know, but we manage. Some can manage it at a younger age than others can.
  14. FF/EMT Sam

    Soon to be a "B"

    Seriously!!! God forbid that somebody might actuallly learn something.....<_<
  15. FF/EMT Sam

    The Master Formula

    Say what?? Clarify that question, then maybe we can help.
  16. FF/EMT Sam

    Little Witches!!

    Break her other arm to get even. Then, send me all of the cookies that you don't want. ;)
  17. FF/EMT Sam


    We have two frequent flyer AIDS patients. One of them reminds us as soon as we walk into his house every single time. The other one has been known to try to bite us.
  18. FF/EMT Sam

    CPR on the show ER

    WooHoo!!!! There's still hope that I won't be single forever!!!!!!!!!!! :beerchug:
  19. FF/EMT Sam

    The EMS bug

    I'm a member of a team that takes a fair number of road trips, and there's a team rule that the other EMT and I are not allowed to sit together while eating becuase we gross everybody out. I don't get it...What's wrong with discussing suicide victims or trauma codes at the dinner table...
  20. FF/EMT Sam

    New forum for spouses/families?

    Ummmm.....Have you seen the people on this forum.........? :P