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  1. C

    Ford vs GMC/CHEVY Rigs

    Thanks guys for the replies so far. And the reason i hate the fords is because most of the problems were before 50-60 thousand miles. BTW my company will only use TYPE 3s so info on 3s would be most helpful but jt nice rigs, i love the american flag!!
  2. C

    Need ideas for training classes

    Lots of hands on training with equipment to get familiar with it before it comes time to be in the field and you have no clue what your doing. Ive been there before luckily my partner walked me through everything. now we try to keep everyone familiar with everything.
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    atrial fibrilliation

    In A-FIB the heart basically quivers instead of Beating. most people with serious A-fib issues have pacemaker/defibs implanted. as does one of my family members. Very cool pieces of equipment, very useful. I know someone who actually feels there heart stop when it goes into A-FIB. V-tach however...
  4. C

    Ford vs GMC/CHEVY Rigs

    In the last year my company went from a 1 bay station with our second rig posted at a local FD to a Brand new 3 bay building with full kitchen, offices, training facility etc. And we currently have 2 2009 Ford e-series ambulances from PL Custom. They are junk. since we have the the third bay...
  5. C

    Using a stairchair, walking backwards.

    Just take your time. It can be done. although for a 450+ lb patient i would suggest someone to spot you. You think getting the stretcher in the bus is hard try the stairs. It all can be done with practice. If we had stairs at my station i would constantly be practicing. like everything else in...
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    old vs new radio talk

    So my dad and i were talking tonight and thinking back about 3 years to when he retired the fire dept after 25 years to now and how much our local dispatch "lingo" has changed just in three years. heres the old way, in just a few short years we have adapted plain language, it amazes me. Because...
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    Policies Concerning Rig Care Duties

    At my company there are so many problems. Every crew i run with though is anal as i am when it comes to a clean rig. I go through our vehicle checklist beginning every shift, which includes not only mechanical, lights etc it also includes every and i mean EVERY piece of medical equipment we...
  8. C

    Red Cross CNA

    im not sure about the course, but here in ct the hospitals will hire you as a paitient care tech with just a emt-B cert no CNA required, not sure about where you live. id call the hospitals and ask. hope this helps.
  9. C

    Lifting Mechanics and Strength Training

    Upper body strength is key, Especially when it comes to the stryker power load which on its own weighs around 150 add a 400 lb pt then it aint easy. All the suggestions so far are great, I definitley agree with shrugs and rows. Some leg workout wont be bad either. Good luck.
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    AMR in the North East

    Im in CT so i don't know about mass to much but amr in CT. is pretty good, there units run 911 and IFT, last i checked they were hiring medics, at near 20 an hour. just checked there web site, they have 22 positions in mass witha a sign on bonus of $5,000, there wasnt a base pay rate posted...
  11. C

    Response Times!!!

    First crew on duty 30 seconds to 3 mins. Second crew respond from home,in town etc to get the bus, usually 2 -5 mins WE have a decent size roster of active members always ready. When im on duty as soon as the page comes in its about a minute to the time we inform dispatch were responding...
  12. C

    trucks idling

    Wow you guys have it bad, the company i run with just built us a new station which is where we run out of unless on standby, Climate controlled bays, buses are always plugged in and ready to go. We don't ever have to bed anywhere but the station unless on a call.On standby though we try to keep...
  13. C

    My partner is a moron.

    At my service we always do a radio patch to the destination hospital whether a basic day to day call, usually within the 5-10 minutes before arrival. Its a must on calls for geriatric and trauma patients so the ER can be prepared. as for your partner try to get to know him a little bit.
  14. C

    van ambulances

    I was wondering if anyone who runs in a "vanbulance" has any problems with storage. A private service here only runs them and i got a good look at theirs. Can you carry multiple backboards, stair chair, Other larger equipment with a lack of out side compartments? I'm not sure all of the...
  15. C

    Hello from the North East! Brrrr!

    Welcome to EMTLIFE!
  16. C

    Puncture Resistant Gloves

    check out ringers extrication, im ordering a pair soon myself, they are made for ems extrication purposes and can handle pathogens
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    Holy Mother of god... found the perfect jump kit for the whackers

    That jumpkit is stocked better than an ambulance! :P LOL
  18. C

    BSI Violation

    OK so i know my previous post said i glove up every patient, well my last shift, i had 3 calls and no gloves, Didnt make sense to wear em', no blood, fluids etc. I am starting to believe that bsi is over used.
  19. C

    Address not posted on mailboxes or house

    Whats even worse is a house behind another house, and not numbered, we looked for about 15 minutes the other day for a house on a 1/8 mile road, luckily we had a stable patient.