AMR in the North East


Mediocre at best
Reaction score
so I am a new paramedic looking to escape southern california, i notice that AMR has many postings for the northeast. mostly in Massachusetts does anybody have Information from out there. is it a well run operation, how is the pay vs cost of living, would you recommend working there. if any of you have any other suggestions of places to look for the job hunt please shout it out. monster and similar sites aren't turning up much. I am also looking in CO, TX, NC, SC, FL, AZ, and Idaho.
Im in CT so i don't know about mass to much but amr in CT. is pretty good, there units run 911 and IFT, last i checked they were hiring medics, at near 20 an hour. just checked there web site, they have 22 positions in mass witha a sign on bonus of $5,000, there wasnt a base pay rate posted

edit: this is for a medic in CT and if full time, it would cover expenses in most areas of the state

Location: CT - Bridgeport Job Type: Health Care
Professional Services
Transportation Base Pay: $23.67 - $24.56 /Hour
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