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  1. EMT11KDL

    NEED HELP! scenario question

    Testing- C-spine would be first. Now real life, I would consider c-spine and I would do this by limiting the movement of the patient neck and back, and once I kneel next to the patient I will check to make sure he is unresponsive while also checking for a pulse and visualizing the chest for...
  2. EMT11KDL

    Love Boat/Chemical Restraints

    I dont think I have seen this lately. We are dealing more with spice and cocaine right now. Versed usually works great. With the "Love Boat" are you seeing ETOH with it? and/or Vomiting? Also does your local RSI protocol allow you to RSI for overdose? I know the area I use to work in which...
  3. EMT11KDL

    How many hours / shifts do you work a week?

    I have worked a few different shifts, I have done the 24/48, 48/96, 48 five days off(Sunday/Monday), set two 24's a week (Wed/Sat Every week). Now I do 3 12's in a row. Personally I liked 48 with 5 days off.
  4. EMT11KDL

    Volunteer Availability Requirements

    It all depends on the dept. My old dept required one 24 hour shift a month. Just ask the dept on the requirements.
  5. EMT11KDL

    Just took my NREMT...

    Anytime, glad to help, remember the search function that we have, you can search just about anything and you should find your answers, you may have to dig through so old post. we all are here to help and learn from each other.
  6. EMT11KDL

    the 100% directionless thread

    who here is still sad Firefly only had one season?
  7. EMT11KDL

    Just took my NREMT...

    Welcome to the forum. The fact that you stopped at 70 questions is normally a good thing, unless you somehow missed almost every question. I felt the same way when I took my EMT and when I took my Paramedic because I was at the minimum for both, but I still passed. Dont stress, It should be...
  8. EMT11KDL

    Identify yourself as an EMT to dispatcher when off duty?

    Like everyone else has said, if I am in my area I will call the direct line and tell the dispatcher who I am, most of my dispatchers know me because we are all in the same building and they tend to come over for food when we make a lot. and request exactly what I need. If I am not in my area, I...
  9. EMT11KDL

    Locate BLS Psychomotor Exam NREMT

    I would also contact your local State EMS office, they should have a list of upcoming test
  10. EMT11KDL

    ECG Podcast Help finding

    Hey everyone.. Dr. Mattu (at least I think it was) put out a podcast awhile back speaking about Sgarbossa criteria, it was a three part podcast if I remember right. I have been searching google for it and I have not been able to find it. It talks about the use of Sgarbossa and why it isnt...
  11. EMT11KDL

    Idaho Paramedics

    No Problem, Elmore County runs off the State protocols. Ada has their own, google ada county paramedics SWO and you can find them. Gem county pretty much follows Ada County Protocols. Canyon County has their protocols on there website also under TVEMSS section. Also just to add, Twin Falls...
  12. EMT11KDL

    Low HR/Good BP

    BLS: Have a nice drive and talk, depending on transport time, Meet with ALS, but with less than 10 min transport its a toss up, if ALS is outside the door and can meet you within a few minutes than yes, but if it is going to take more than 5 mins to meet them, than no. ALS: Have a nice drive...
  13. EMT11KDL


    How many agencies are requiring Paramedics to take NIHSS certification? If you are, are you currently involved in a pre-hospital stroke study? Reasoning for this is I was just required to do it. I will say this, even if you are not required I do highly recommend doing the training as there...
  14. EMT11KDL

    Designating Transfer Trucks: Research Project Please Give Feedback!

    Paramedic, 8 years of EMS I am guessing you are talking about when a 911 agency also does IFT. Sorry if this is not what you are asking for. I do believe it can be beneficial to have an extra car on the road during the day to handle IFT, but to just designate them to IFT I do not think it...
  15. EMT11KDL


    That is the attitude of SNF, at least that has been my experience. Both on BLS and ALS IFT also with 911 calls. When I was working part time on an IFT ALS Truck we would do BLS Transfers because our BLS Truck was busy. And while my EMT was getting report, sometimes I would over hear...
  16. EMT11KDL

    Idaho Paramedics

    Ada county and canyon county paramedics are both good agencies. Elmore County is also ALS which is staffed through st Luke's hospital. Gem County has great protocols but pay is less than the other three but still great agency. PM me with any questions.
  17. EMT11KDL

    How much did becoming an EMT/medic cost you?

    Around 1000 for EMT, and medic was like 12k after internship and everything, not including relationship, some friends and a year of my life
  18. EMT11KDL

    Can EMT-B intubate or start IVs?

    I have to disagree with your statement regarding IV. And if you want to say that no basic should be able to start IV because of there lack of education and experience, than it should be taken out of the Paramedic scope also! How many paramedics now are going through zero to hero programs. And...
  19. EMT11KDL

    Still looking?

    An EMT program is an EMT program, find one that has a paramedic program connected to it. To have a paramedic program now, the faculty must be accredited by COAEMSP. Emt school depends on how much work you put in, a crapy program can have an amazing student come out from it because he or she...
  20. EMT11KDL

    Anyone in 68w

    I had a new soldier come to my unit a few months back that had a GED, but as of right now, like everyone else has said, recruiter is going to have the most up to date information. The fact that you are already a NREMT does help with the chance of getting a waiver, last I heard we are under...