Idaho Paramedics

Ginger Medic

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Anyone work in Idaho? What department and how do you like it? I'm interested in third service, not fire. Currently looking into Ada County Paramedics. Thanks!
There's like 1 thread on ada on here you might be able to find. Not a lot of users work/have worked there but it seems to be the holy grail for some.
Ada is hiring right now
Yeah, i saw that. I can't move out there this year but hoping they'll hire again in 2016.
My 100000% dirt bag paramedic program director worked at Ada prior to burning my paramedic program to the ground. For what it's worth, he had really good things to say about it. (Also a guy in my program got hired there and liked it.)
Ada county and canyon county paramedics are both good agencies. Elmore County is also ALS which is staffed through st Luke's hospital. Gem County has great protocols but pay is less than the other three but still great agency. PM me with any questions.
Awesome! Thanks!
No Problem, Elmore County runs off the State protocols. Ada has their own, google ada county paramedics SWO and you can find them. Gem county pretty much follows Ada County Protocols. Canyon County has their protocols on there website also under TVEMSS section.

Also just to add, Twin Falls which is Southeast of Boise usually has medic positions they are also through St. Luke's Hospital.
EMT11KDL is this *redacted by moderator*?
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Let's keep real names out of the public forum unless you're posting your own. Keep that to PMs please.
I worked for Elmore county and did my internship at Ada county, not to mention going to medic school at college of western Idaho, so I can give you some inside if needed.