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  1. O

    Interview for ED Tech; I think I'm in way over my head

    Word. Really shouldn't be an HR question but instead a Manager question. At least where I am at, HR only has a backhand in the scheduling (ie, they regulate, but they don't schedule). Congratulations on the job, now pick up as much as you can. Maybe see about being in a float pool for ICU.
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    Beating your patient back to life

    You mean, it was... thumped... from ACLS. I've heard a number of success stories from EMTs I know and have read about others. Have had a few witnessed arrests in the ED and I've never seen anyone do it, nor even ask about doing it. Why was it removed from ACLS?
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    DC FEMS Medical Director writes brutal resignation letter

    Mad respect for such a professional letter, and very interesting. Maybe my head was in the sand, and I'm never looking into things on the east coast, but I had no clue the system was that rough. This line is what caught my eye. Unbelievable. Just with that it sounds like the focus was already...
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    Can I live off of 29,000 a year

    Gas, food, comfort? Short answer is not for long, but surely this is just stepping stone.
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    What does your significant other do?

    Ohm my god. Watt's going on here?
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    How to Recertify for the NREMT?

    I am currently in the process of completing the 24 hour refresher at EMT Fire Training, which is completely online. It's competitively priced, well put-together, and well supported. Recert instructions are explained the EMT Recertification brochure on the NREMT website. Basically you choose...
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    Till death do us part

    When I do rings, my first goal is to pull it distally and get it as close to the PIP joint as I can without actually being on the joint. Do this via dry/as-is, lube, and/or milking the swelling (if present). Then, flex the PIP 90 degrees, pulling distally again to snug the anterior aspect of the...
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    List of foods NOT to eat in the bus (for partners who don't know)

    I'll just leave this here, then!
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    List of foods NOT to eat in the bus (for partners who don't know)

    Let's talk. Quesarittos are the traveler's friend.
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    Nremt recertification

    See the EMT Recert Brochure. Keep in mind you need 48 hours of CE in addition to 24 hours of refresher. You still have time for both, but, that's a painful cram. The brochure tells you what is what and where you can get it from. Or, as mentioned, take the test.
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    Interview for ED Tech; I think I'm in way over my head

    This. That said, the "scenario" questions in an oral interview are generally hunting a particular personality or behavior, not necessarily skill set. I would expect the question of, "You witness a co-worker taking a cellphone picture of a patient's chart. What, if anything, do you do?" more...
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    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    I love reading this thread, here's to waking it back up. First weeks in the ED. We failed to resuscitate a very large 70ish year old male patient who had an MI. The hearse actually beat the family. Those funeral home workers are odd folks, I tell ya. Not in a bad way, all are very kind people...
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    High School Classes for Paramedic School? (URGENT)

    I have never applied to a paramedic program, let alone to one within a college system, but I've also never heard of such a program scrutinizing a high school transcript. Even GPA. There is a reason that the GED is accepted as an equivalent to the High School Diploma, and that is because High...
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    Interview for ED Tech; I think I'm in way over my head

    Don't even bring it up. You don't walk into an interview and say "I only went to community college, but...", nor do you discuss your fear of other people's bodily fluids. If THEY mention in, now it's time to discuss. Perhaps think about an answer there. But I highly discourage bringing it up...
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    Let's clarify. There is a difference between taking Dual Credit HS/College courses and actually being in College. So which are you at? I'm assuming Dual Credit. The alternative doesn't make sense. If I'm wrong, please clarify. All depends on your end-all. If you want to be a career...
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    Interview for ED Tech; I think I'm in way over my head

    I agree, don't go blow any money on chance here, unless we are talking shoes and tie for the interview (only because you can where those in another interview in a few years). They offered you an interview. What is your alternative, call them and say "I'm not qualified, sorry."? Go in confident...
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    What does your significant other do?

    She's a vet tech, both of us still in undergrad though. Funny the number of vet-related SO's. In our case we are polar opposites. I really don't care to work with any animal other than a service K9, and she absolutely hates people in general. Our conversations are well-rounded.
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    Guess what it is

    You asked about "treatment" before. Keep in mind the difference between "treatment" and "assessment". OPQRST is a great tool to use during your gathering of history, but it is certainly no treatment. Perhaps it'll help you help the patient. Is jaundice-esque discoloration ever localized, other...
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    Adding suffix to your name

    Oh, and LTC here in Texas!