High School Classes for Paramedic School? (URGENT)


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I am a junior in high school right now and I am taking an EMT-B class through a local education program. After high school my goal is to attend paramedic school and get an associates degree. My current GPA is about 2.95 and I've taken all of the core classes required so far (biology, sociology, physical science, geometry, algebra 2, etc.) with some random electives (such as quite a few art courses, psychology, and journalism). My options for next year for science are Forensics, Zoology, Environmental Science, ChemCom, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Human Anatomy 1 & 2 (not AP). I have not taken any foreign language classes yet. I took the ACT practice test and my score was estimated at 24-26. I am taking the actual one in the next few months. I plan on working part time as an EMT my senior year when I am 18 to get some experience as well.

I wish I would have discovered my interest in being a paramedic earlier, because now I am a bit worried I have not developed the most appealing transcript for paramedic school. Are paramedic schools super picky? Should I even try at this point because I haven't loaded up on science classes? Or if you think I have a chance, what classes should I register for my senior year? I have room for about 6 or 7 classes.

Thanks for your time! I eagerly await your recommendations! :)
I have never applied to a paramedic program, let alone to one within a college system, but I've also never heard of such a program scrutinizing a high school transcript. Even GPA. There is a reason that the GED is accepted as an equivalent to the High School Diploma, and that is because High School is a check box on the road to starting your career.

What state are you in? I'm honestly not sure how it is nation-wide, but I can say that in Texas having taken 2 semesters worth of foreign language in High School was a huge win. Look at the degree plan for the Associates degree and see if it mentions anything about foreign language. If they ask for any, they may allow HS courses to count as such, and if so, take advantage of that.

Otherwise, (fyi there are a few similar threads so you should take a look at those), take what you want to take, not what you think a paramedic school will like. If you want to take something that you'll enjoy and you think will help you in your future career, then go for it. If you think something looks cool and you have to register for something, then equally go for it.

That said, from that list A&P is a pretty key course. The rest is all up to you. Don't regret your discovery now, because you're never too late (and you are actually quite early compared to average in almost any field). Not to talk down to paramedic programs, but it's not like you're applying to Harvard.

Side note - Biochem in High School? Before taking any sort of Organic chem? Wouldn't waste time on that.
It's paramedic school, not med school you don't need to have loaded up on science courses. All paramedic schools will look for is that you have a high school diploma and meet their respective requirements. I'd recommend taking the human anatomy course, it will help later on.
Keep in mind, unless you took some of those classes through a community college as a dual enrollment student, they won't count for medic school most likely. High school classes usually don't count towards college pre reqs
I took Spanish throughout middle and high school, and it comes in handy pretty much every shift. you won't be fluent after taking a 1-semester class, but it might give you some foundation to build upon if later on you decide you'd like to be better at it.