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  1. O

    Have you ever put a mask on because it was smelly?

    Now that's funny. My beef with these good smelling remedies is that it then ruins that good smell, at least for me. For instance, the air freshener we use in the ED is crazy effective, it has never failed me. It doesn't smell "good", but it neutralizes the bad smell. However, whenever I smell...
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    NREMT Recert Skills Documentation

    For recertifying my NREMT I understand there is a CE portion and a Skills portion. The CE part is all taken care of, and I'll be doing skills with my FTO (sounds more like an internal requirement). So, my question is, how do I need to keep record of me getting these skills signed off? That...
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    Re: Radio Chatter

    Not when "like" becomes "lack", "five" becomes "fahv"...
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    No more sternal rubs??

    First learned sternal rub 3 years ago, and learned at the same time that it was phased out. I've never done it, but even today nurses in the ED still do, usually giggling away. The docs don't, interestingly enough. I've given up on saying the whole "You know, there are other ways to do that..."...
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    What is a whacker?

    *Slow Clap*
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    What is a whacker?

    lol at the driverside flashers - Turn those on and see what happens.
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    What is a whacker? Urban dictionary nails it again.
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    Inexperienced and starting ER tech job: Help me suck please!

    All PCTs and ER Techs at the hospital system I'm in go through 2 weeks of training. Week 1 is system and facility orientation, which everyone from construction contractors to physicians participates in. Week 2 is job-specific, and for Techs that meant "PCT Boot Camp". Fortunately, being an EMT...
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    Have you ever put a mask on because it was smelly?

    (1) It doesn't help, at all, ever. (2) You make the patient that much more self-conscious The substances that we inhale and smell will not be stopped by a simple surgical mask. An N95 may seem like it is helping, but it is meant for protection against liquids and aerosols, not straight gaseous...
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    What to do with really old equipment?

    Isn't using the PASG a NREMT skill? I'm sure schools/programs would love that donation. The rest, I second donating to a volunteer team, be it CERT or volly fire or a volly SAR team. On slow days I'll go through those shadowy corners in the ED supply rooms. Unbelievable how random, old, and/or...
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    How much time should I spend studying prefixes/suffixes?

    Agreed with chewy on sticking with what you are expected to know now. Medical terminology is very much so like learning a new language. All sorts of new nouns and adjectives that are sometimes structured words, sometimes not. The best way to learn any language is by exposure. Learn the alphabet...
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    DC FEMS Medical Director writes brutal resignation letter

    Ah, fair enough. Not necessarily a reaction to Dr. Saussy's resignation.
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    What would be your best advice?

    Being a fitness trainer is more gross of a job than being an EMT. It's one thing to swap sweaty seats with teammates, but for some reason it just grosses me the hell out being an observer in that environment. Could always do both.
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    Question about carry?

    Never heard of LEOs that young. At least in Texas, military can licensed carry at 18, though I'm not sure about purchase (handgun and "handgun ammunition" require age 21 for us "normal people"). In Texas you can defend your "castle" starting at the age of 18, you just can't conceal/open carry on...
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    Football EMS Standby

    This is a hot debate in the AT community, and there are many professionals on both sides that will argue against you. The subject athlete becomes your patient when the AT transfers care to you, just how your patient is not the ED's until you transfer care to them. ATs do injury and incident...
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    Someone's toe nail ripped off

    Very sensitive and very vulnerable area when the nail is no longer present. Nastiest injuries too. Hydrogen peroxide and anything alcohol-based has its time and place, and this situation isn't one of them. A nice commercial wound cleaner or antibiotic ointment is your better bet. It's easy to...
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    What is this for?

    I hear it is supposed to be tested for proper function at the start of every shift. Or maybe it was every marriage. One of those ALS things I never understand.
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    Football EMS Standby

    I was an ATS in the Austin area (25-4A at the time, now 25-6A I think.. yeesh...). We had our team ortho surgeon and/or family practice doc (who headed up our concussion team) at every home game, in-district away game, and playoff game. They get free sideline passes to some awesome football and...