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  1. N

    Tips for BLS transports.

    Personally i do not accept any gratuities. I do recieve thank you cards at my home residence with gratuites included with the card. I return the gratuities to the patient or the family with a note explaining the Thank you and the thought is sufficient. I just don't feel right accepting money...
  2. N

    Paramedic responds to wife's car accident

    About 4 years ago we dispatched for a vehicle roll over. Upon arrival at scene it was my 16 year old daughter's vehicle upside down in the ditch with her trapped inside with the roof caved in. A very traumaic time for a parent. We responded with 3 member's and a driver, one of the other member's...
  3. N


    We just got a new ambulance and ordered it with the Stryker power stretcher and the tracked stair chair. The stretcher is a little heavier but well worth the difference in money. Stair chair with tracks is also a nice piece of equipment. We are thinking about upgrading our second rig from the MX...
  4. N

    Medic school and a life

    I worked full time also and went through medic school while being married with a family. It takes a strong support group at home as it litterally consumed my life for 2 years. I had a very supportive and understanding family behind me which helped immensly. Our instructor was very up front the...
  5. N

    Advancing Your Career

    Well Rid, 18 years ago I took my first step into EMS as an EMT-B, after 10 years I wanted to do more for my patients than I could so I took the next step and became an EMT-I 85 which was a little more in depth assesment of patients and a little more A&P and allowed me start iv's and run fluids...
  6. N

    DNI Question

    Just went through this last April 20th with my father. He had a long progressive illness that his Dr's could not longer do any thing for (COPD) and was put on Hopice care in his home. Part of the Hospice program was to have a DNR / DNI order that was explained to him and he signed when he was...
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    I work with a woman partner on almost every call. The woman on our squad are all RN's and one is an ER RN , I am the only Medic on our sqaud. When we get toned out gender is not an issue only patient care. Thier is no Medic vs Rn or Rn vs Medic turf battles we just work togather for the best...
  8. N

    Hello all

    Just became a paramedic early this year at 45 years old. Set your goal and achieve it. The majority of our sqad is in thier later 20's I haven't had any problems with age difference.
  9. N


    We use Life Pack 12's prior to that we had Marquett's i like the Life Pack 12,s better.
  10. N

    General comment to all military/tactical meds.

    I salute each and every one of you, you are the reason we have the freedoms we all enjoy everyday in this country. You all have my utmost respect and support. THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!
  11. N

    Live sticks

    We used 20 ga. and 18 ga. in class on each other, mostly 20's. She never said if she ever hit an artery on a bannana LOL.
  12. N

    Live sticks

    During my medic class we practiced technique on the maniquin arm until until we got signed off and then we stuck each other. I was a popular pin cushion in class as my anatomy is different between my left and right hands. My right hand has the radial artery in the normal positon in the wrist...
  13. N

    Agency Funding?

    BLS / ALS 911 service - we are a vollunteer service in a rural area that covers approximately 250 square miles in the county. Up untill 1997 we ran on stricly donations and fund raisers and patient payments. We were not able to keep our head above water anymore operating on these income sources...
  14. N

    Average Age on this Forum

    44 , Wife tells me she is going to trade me in for two 22's Ha Ha
  15. N

    CBT Results

    I took my paramedic test late last December. My test shut off at 89 questions. they defineatly challenge you, which is good. This was the first CBT i took. years ago when i took my EMT-B and EMT-I 85 tests they were the pencil and paper ones, I think I like the CBT better than the old way. I did...
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    Another New Gal...

    Hi and Welcome good luck to you in your new endevour
  17. N

    Small Subaru VS 2 Horses...

    Things can happen fast in life. after something like this it does make a person appreciate the meaningful things in life, family , friends ect. you never know tommorrow they might not be there. Take Care and Be Safe
  18. N


    Hope someone can get a handle on this kid soon, I'd hate to see him graduate to bigger guns when he gets older. Some bb guns can almost approach the velocity of a 22 caliber bullet.
  19. N

    Where are you from?

    North East South Dakota from a little town called Lake Norden. Lived around here all my life.
  20. N

    Introduction from MN

    Hi Life Line and welcome to the forums , there is alot of good information here