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  1. SafetyPro2


    Only protocol we have per se is that we hold away from the scene until PD arrives and declares the scene "Code 4" (safe, under control, etc.). That holds true for any call that involves any sort of violence or possible criminal activity. If the PT needs to be transported and is potentially...
  2. SafetyPro2

    Delayed due to...... UNIFORM DIFFICULTIES??

    I just became more glad that we keep extra brush pants on the ambulance. :D
  3. SafetyPro2

    RLS for internal bleeding?

    I'd rather err on the side of flipping the lights on and getting to the ER a couple minutes faster than taking the extra time and having a PT code in the back of the rig. Yes, non-emergency transport is safer, but if you drive with care and don't push it too hard, I don't think its that much...
  4. SafetyPro2

    How do you cope???

    Don't think you're cold at all...we all react differently to different calls. I've had minor things (like a 3 year old with a 1 inch laceration to his forehead) really upset me while other more serious ones haven't. Part of it could be that this one had a good outcome, at least from an EMS...
  5. SafetyPro2

    Chimpie is back

    Congrats, and welcome back to the ARC instructor fold. Wish I had time to do it more, though I have a feeling I'm gonna get asked to do ER again in the fall.
  6. SafetyPro2


    <makes note for future reference> "Likes paddles." :P Very good, hope you learned your lesson. :D
  7. SafetyPro2


    Thanks everyone. I haven't really been looking forward to this one...reaching the end of my 20s just seems like I've finally grown up or something, like that country song My Next 30 Years. But its been a good one, and I guess being an adult ain't so bad. ;) I actually did most of my celebrating...
  8. SafetyPro2


    I started out as an architecture major. Lasted about half a semester at that before I changed to safety. Of course, might have been a good thing to stay...we have two architects on the FD now, plus another guy who works for an architectural firm.
  9. SafetyPro2


    100 was your punishment, but maybe we should check with safetypro to see if you can be let off at 50 (I think). [/b] Don't make me get the paddle! :D
  10. SafetyPro2


  11. SafetyPro2

    Bad Accident

    Dang, that's not too far from here. You can read the street names on that sign in a couple shots, and its got to be on the southbound Hollywood (170) Freeway right on the edge of North Hollywood and Burbank. Yahoo! Map
  12. SafetyPro2

    Shades of Pet Cemetary?

    Well, I've never seen a tillered ambulance, but I HAVE seen an ambulance with an aerial device. Was an old utility truck with a bucket lift on it that a VFD had converted to an ambo. :D I do remember seeing "The World's Largest Ambulance" in the Guiness book a few years ago. I was a double...
  13. SafetyPro2

    I've got a secret...

    Working on it. :D And PS - you KNOW I'm dating - I told you! [/b] So would that be "under his nose behind his back"? :D (God, I'm in a mood today. :rolleyes: )
  14. SafetyPro2


    <handing you a piece of chalk> Go write "I will not ignore my buddies." 100 times on the chalkboard. :P Welcome back!
  15. SafetyPro2

    EMTLife "Gathering" 2005

    Me thinks you wouldn't want to see some of the members of this forum (myself included) on a nude beach. :P
  16. SafetyPro2

    Shades of Pet Cemetary?

    "Plans to test the technique on humans should be realised within a year, according to the Safar Centre. My question is: who's going to volunteer to have all their blood drained and replaced with freezing saline and then wait a couple hours to get zapped and "reanimated". Like Bill Engvall said...
  17. SafetyPro2

    Everyone Please Read

    Yes, always good to be aware of your surroundings and be careful. It does appear, however, that at least the later part of the e-mail is a hoax. From Claim: Robbers in shopping mall parking lots are using ether-filled perfume bottles to render their victims unconscious. Status...
  18. SafetyPro2

    500 Posts = Custom Title (That's you Capt)

    I think its set that you have to have MORE than 500, so it doesn't show up after post 500, but will after post 501. I noticed the same thing when I went to change mine.
  19. SafetyPro2

    Hi everybody! (In my best Dr. Nick voice)

    Welcome aboard from Southern California! I was kinda in the same boat as you. Work in occupational safety, and got involved setting up a medical response my FR through that. Got me interested, so went on to get my EMT, then ended up joing the local VFD. Again, welcome.
  20. SafetyPro2

    Code 3 Chicago FD Squad 1/1a & Squad 2/2a on eBay

    I don't sell on eBay very often, but I have two seperate two-piece Code 3 diecast fire apparatus sets up right now. These both come from the six-piece Chicago Squad Set which consists of three rescue units (Squad 1, 2 and 5) and three snorkel units (Squad 1a, 2a and 5a) plus a display stand...