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  1. traumateam1

    Fell asleep and got caught.... oops

    Haha that's pretty funny.
  2. traumateam1

    5 back-blows followed by?

    I'm pretty sure we go by the Heart and Stroke Foundation Guidelines :P
  3. traumateam1

    Highest Blood Glucose You've Seen

    "High" never got to see an ER reading.. just got "high" on the glucometer.
  4. traumateam1

    5 back-blows followed by?

    5 back blows -> 5 chest thrusts -> 5 back blows -> 5 chest thrusts etc etc until: Patient becomes unresponsive Object comes out (baby is crying, vomiting, etc) Because you are resting the baby in your arms and their head is below their body, gravity will work with you (when the object...
  5. traumateam1

    Faces behind the post

    :o .......
  6. traumateam1

    Thank you! It's good to be back.. :)

    Thank you! It's good to be back.. :)
  7. traumateam1

    Call 911?

    I would have called.. after all they can always be released after an eval. There's really no harm in calling when they don't need it, as opposed to not calling when they do need it... :wacko:
  8. traumateam1

    I need an ambulance.

    Have you tried
  9. traumateam1

    Wow is all I can say!!!

    Wow... out of all the things you can do while your drunk..
  10. traumateam1

    EMT-B online classes in Atlanta

    1. Don't take online classes. 2. If you really want to start, pick up some A&P books and start studying. 3. Call local colleges that offer the EMT-B course and ask what you can do to get ready, or when the next course is, or if you can start some online A&P courses.
  11. traumateam1

    Time to Present a DNR?

    CPR and AED until an official DNR is presented to me. No DNR? Well, sorry.. can't take your word for it. Of course if there is lividity, than well.. your not gonna start CPR. ANd like Bossy said, if the room is warm and the body isn't... well they've been like this for a while, time to call it.
  12. traumateam1

    defibrillator implant malfunction

    lol I'd like to see the person that doesn't wanna go to the hospital with that going on! :blink: I like the coffee part tho :D At my level, transport code 3 to the ER. Not much you can do other than that excpet O2, pain meds, and get ready for them to go into arrest? Sucky situation none...
  13. traumateam1

    Warm O2/Hypothermia PT

    Were they talking about putting warm water in a humidifier? Thus making the humidified O2 warm?
  14. traumateam1

    Canada, eh?

    Let me say this... starting at McDonalds in Fort Mac is $16.00/hr. Medics make good money here in Alberta.
  15. traumateam1

    EMR... finally

    I think the Alta. EMR can do more than the BC EMR. Full time it's only 15 days. I forget how much pre preading you have to do.. let you know when I get the books! lol EMR is a step up from OFAIII. I currently have my OFAIII, but it's nothing compaired to the OFAIII. And as an EMR, you can...
  16. traumateam1

    Canada, eh?

    Go to Alberta, thats what I am doing.. plus you make WICKED money.
  17. traumateam1

    C-spine immobilization on a pt. with increased pain upon manual stabilization?

    So then leave in the position of comfort / better resps. ?
  18. traumateam1

    Ever get mistaken for a police officer

    Does traffic control count? And this was at a standby event with NO need for ANY time of traffic control. Get a lot of security questions when doing standby. Oh, and a pilot once.
  19. traumateam1

    ALS Upgrade refused
