Oh the teenager with the leg didn't even get pain meds, just an IV; they also started this one in the rig, luckily. Medics were called because the initial (incorrect)dispatch information was head and neck injuries.
Apparently this crew treated based on MOI of the dispatch information and...
Unfortunately it is not only hospitals that pull things like this.
For example:
Adolescent male pt. CAOx4, PMSx4, helmet worn, denies LOC, Vitals Within Normal Limits, 3/10 knee and lower leg pain after hitting leg into a pole while snowboarding.
ALS shows up because the caller saw him...
Just wondering, how much do your police officers know about EMS and how much are they able to help you on scene?
In general ours are very good, all of them are first responder trained and respond to most medical calls.
Occasionally though some do pretty off the wall things:
I was always told this in my class as well. But I've always heard of it because of the physiological differences, not emotional/mental differences.
For example,
How many bones does a young child have? How many do an adult have?
Children's respiratory rates, blood pressure and pulse...
In that case, our agency would transport to the closest appropriate facility for the treatment of his (potentially life threatening) medical needs. The officer would follow and he or she would hash out the rest of it with the hospital staff once the patient was medically stable.
With an ETA of three minutes, rapid transport (our als is usually 10 to 15 away, at least). Consider BVM if sat's start to drop or signs of poor 02 perfusion
Not sure where you live, but maybe look into getting on with a volunteer service, especially if the paid agencies/companies are only looking for experienced people.
Why even hire EMT's in systems like that? Just go back to the old days of hiring MVO's (motor vehicle operators) and give them CPR/First Aid and some basic assist skills.
I think one of the worst things is having skills and not being allowed to use them. It is like a police department...
I was just wondering if anyone thinks that what is currently EMT-B should be split into two positions.
One which would be continued to be called EMT and would have a scope of practice similar to:
Pulse Oximetry
Oral Glucose Administration
I realize this is mostly for EMTs/Paramedics, but does anyone know if there is any IAED/NAED EMD recertification opportunities in the mid atlantic area? I will take anything in the NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, DC, VA, CT, RI, MA, NH, VT areas
When I was dispatching we had one facility in particular who called us twice for transport because their patients were displaying sexual behavior towards staff members. This was at a regular nursing home, although I don't know if these patents were dementia patients or not. Bascially the...
Two more stories:
One SNF couldn't tell me whether a patient was actually bleeding through tubes or if they just found a drop of fresh blood in a tube. Every time I would ask "is he actively bleeding through the tube" they would tell me "Yes, I see a drop of blood in there"
I know we all have them. What are your best "skilled" nursing home stories.
Some of mine when I was working dispatch:
Wheelchair van driver called to report an aide was using a "green leafy substance with an odor consistent with marijuana" in the outside smoking area
SNF calls for...
So, what does the term "paragod" mean to you. To me it means one of three things:
1. The paramedic whose first and only words upon arriving on scene is "Who is going to drive my fly-car?"
2. The paramedic who tries to perform miracles on calls. (i.e. The patient is 90 years old, last...
Yeah I realized I left out a few things from reading this post. Obviously all of the positioning we can do, ice/heat packs, irrigation, we can give activated charcoal with medical direction. We can also use tourniquets, and those are now a second line treatment after direct pressure
Some of...