We took over transport at a local hospital, and we found out what this unnecessary IV stuff is about.
The previous EMS had implicitly trained the hospital staff in how to get everything billed as ALS, even stable, AOx4 wheelchair discharges. The attendings would sign anything you shoved in front of them, regardless of legal risk.
One of our paramedics was onscene, did an assessment, and announced that the patient was wheelchair, offering to call it back in to dispatch to summon a wheelchair van. The attending cheerfully offered to put in an IV, and seemed bewildered when told no, that's fraud.
We didn't have that contract for long.
The previous EMS had implicitly trained the hospital staff in how to get everything billed as ALS, even stable, AOx4 wheelchair discharges. The attendings would sign anything you shoved in front of them, regardless of legal risk.
One of our paramedics was onscene, did an assessment, and announced that the patient was wheelchair, offering to call it back in to dispatch to summon a wheelchair van. The attending cheerfully offered to put in an IV, and seemed bewildered when told no, that's fraud.
We didn't have that contract for long.