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  1. ThadeusJ

    tuberculosis question

    DEmedic is correct in that N95 are designed to protect the wearer, not the other way around. Because of the high work of breathing associated with them, there are concerns about patient use. Post SARS research discovered that wearing up to 5 layers of surgical masks had limited effect against...
  2. ThadeusJ

    tuberculosis question

    If they require oxygen therapy, you could try nasal cannula with a mask over top. Higher levels of oxygen are possible using one of several masks that offer filtration. Since the SARS outbreak, they are standard issue in Ontario, Canada paramedic kits. They are not meant to replace your PPE...
  3. ThadeusJ

    CPAP and oxygen depletion

    There's three ways to attack this issue: 1) take more oxygen for your transports; 2) use a device that consumes less oxygen (the Boussignac can consume up to 30 LPM while the Rescuer takes 5-10 LPM and there's everything in between). Some ventilators consume oxygen just to drive their internal...
  4. ThadeusJ

    idiots in traffic

    To follow along what JPINFV stated, the closer you are the less the person in front of you can see (your lights as well as whats in the next lane). If I had a big rig right in my back seat, there's a good chance that I also can't see if the next lane is clear to pull over. If you create an...
  5. ThadeusJ

    Why is that a lot of healthcare professions assess lung sounds diagonally?

    As Clipper1 states, it may be understood a bit better if you look at the lung anatomy and see how the lobes slide behind one another. For example, if you look at the right lung the upper lobe almost touches the lower lobe and the middle lobe is almost all in the front. One can't just divide...
  6. ThadeusJ

    A question about MAST pants

    Don't want to be caught with your pants (quota) down...
  7. ThadeusJ

    workout buffs rate my workout?

    Something that was introduced to me in the spring is "tabata" training. The guy who did it used no weights (and he trained in MMA) although I modified it with resistance. Its easily found through common search engines and you can get an app as well. The concept is "Four Minutes of Hell"...8...
  8. ThadeusJ

    If you could

    The recent discussion on Homan's Sign got me thinking... IF you could apply your name (or avatar, whatever) to a diagnostic test, maneuver, or part of the body, what would it be? Something that anyone in the industry could understand and appreciate. Unfortunately all the sphincters are...
  9. ThadeusJ

    To O2 or not to O2

    Hobozach, Hemoglobin carries 97% of the oxygen. Only 3% is dissolved. Therefore, if you ain't got the RBC's to carry the oxygen, the oxygen ain't gonna get carried. Even if the RBC's are 100% saturated, if you only have one little cell running around (to be extreme in this example), you still...
  10. ThadeusJ

    Layperson Cric?

    I hear Chuck Norris can do it with his bare hands...
  11. ThadeusJ

    Cellular Biology and Function

    I don't know how many conversations I have had about molecular biology while in the midst of a code and I know far too many clinicians who can tell me in great detail why a patient is deteriorating on a molecular level but fails to recognize a rapidly dropping BP, or act upon it when brought to...
  12. ThadeusJ

    Questions about Airway

    But you do have to ensure a patent airway. Placing an OPA in no way, shape or form guarantees 100% that it is doing what it supposed to be doing (or you think is doing). There have been plenty of times when I have had to do a jaw thrust to maintain a patent airway after placing an OPA. The...
  13. ThadeusJ

    Didn't Wear PPE - Should I worry ?

    We were always taught to make it obvious to the patient that you were putting on fresh gloves (or gloves at all) while you were explaining the procedure to the patient as it adds to the professionalism of the experience.
  14. ThadeusJ

    Hyperbaric Treatment post Cardiac Arrest

    You can't wear normal scrubs as they can generate static electricity. Today you can buy hyperbaric scrubs, but when I started in respiratory they wore jumpsuits (gold, no less) that looked like something off Star Trek. If you ever take off scrubs in a dark room (like headin to bed after a...
  15. ThadeusJ

    Hyperbaric Treatment post Cardiac Arrest

    Both monoplace and multiplace chambers are saturated with oxygen. Would there not be a high probability that the patient would be on a monitor and perhaps pads that could result in a spark? The staff I know who "dive" in multiplace chambers must wear special suits and shoes that eliminate the...
  16. ThadeusJ

    The difference between hyperventilation, hyperpnea, and tachypnea

    ECMO is used in the UK, but I can't say if its at the same level as North America. I hosted a perfusion simulation lab during an international conference in Toronto a few years ago and we had practitioners from all over, but the USA had the bulk of the registrants. Even the Bird Mark VII was...
  17. ThadeusJ

    The difference between hyperventilation, hyperpnea, and tachypnea

    As Christopher mentions above, "respiration" actually refers to what's going on at the cellular level, which is why Respiratory Therapists insist that we place patients on "ventilators" and not "respirators". That being said, the very learned healthcare practitioners in the UK and elsewhere use...
  18. ThadeusJ

    This may put a smile on your dial!

    Thank goodness she wasn't looking for eye drops...or topical contraception...
  19. ThadeusJ

    But, I'm a pilot.

    Soooo you wanna be a flight medic on a water bomber...or you want to fly fire trucks?
  20. ThadeusJ

    Good video for gas laws(flight physiology)?

    I got through respiratory remembering that water "Boyle'd" at a constant temperature, "Charles" (think Prince Charles and Lady Di) was under constant pressure to get married and "Gay-Lussac" could drink a constant volume of beer...its a start anyway...