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  1. Ace 227

    Getting glucose from an IV needle

  2. Ace 227

    what to put in a jump kit?

    TQs, a CPR mask, and bandages are about all you'll need in a "put in my trunk and hope I sumble upon an MVA" bag. Anything else you put in there will just get you in trouble or won't be necessary. Not sure about where you live but assuming it isn't bum f-ing nowhere, an ambulance will probably...
  3. Ace 227

    Traumatic Arrest stop CPR?

    Had a traumatic arrest about 2 hours ago. Blunt trauma from an MVA. CPR started, pt was tubed and IO'd and had one round of epi. When he was still asystole we stopped.
  4. Ace 227

    First Day as EMT coming up

    Bring donuts for the other crews :cool: But seriously, lots of good advice here. Depending on how you do PCRs/charts, etc, ask a supervisor if you can have some w/ blacked out pt info so you can learn how the company/service wants you to document.
  5. Ace 227

    Another 68W thread

    Thats basically what I did. Read all the other threads on here and don't go in with unrealistic expectations.
  6. Ace 227

    Fdny emt exam 3024

    It blows my mind that an FDNY Firefighter makes more than a Paramedic.... I mean, one of my life's goals is to become a FF in NYC and I STILL think that a medic should make more.
  7. Ace 227

    Army Forward Surgical Team (FST)

    +1 for what RocketMedic said. If you want to commission, commission. Going enlisted first is a deathtrap. You may never make it to OCS. When you commission straight your "MOS" will be 09S and you will go to a regular BCT site, gain some of the "enlisted" experience and then you will go to...
  8. Ace 227

    Australian Applying for FDNY EMS or Paramedic

    I want to work there just on the off chance I could run in to Jordan. That dude is awesome, lol
  9. Ace 227

    I whacked. Anyone else?

    I carry a STOMP around in my car with supplies and meds I can't even use in a civilian setting, if that counts...
  10. Ace 227

    Which do you use/prefer... GPS or map book?

    I live and die by GPS. I work in a city in a state other than the one I grew up in so I was completely unfamiliar with the area when I started work. Between running calls, driving around on my own, and the GPS, I can usually find where I'm going.
  11. Ace 227

    Can you sleep OTJ?

    Depends on the shift. If I'm working a 24, its pretty much expected that we sleep when we can throughout the day because when the daylight crews go home there are only 3-4 trucks covering the city and we might not see station all night. If I'm on a 12 or 16 hour shift, I most likely won't be...
  12. Ace 227

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    Civilian side: (For starters, I hate having things around my legs so I don't use cargo pockets) -CRKT M16 knife in my right pocket -iPhone also in right pocket -glove pouch on belt -Gerber on belt -Company/County radio on belt Military side: -Gerber on belt -CRKT in right pocket -Velket TQ on...
  13. Ace 227

    Dumbest thing heard on the radio

    This happened today at my fire dept. We had a vehicle fire and one of our officers arrived before the engine and established command. While approaching the scene, the officer on the engine called command and asked how far down the winding, back country road he was. He stated he was "about a...
  14. Ace 227

    So, what do you (or did you) sip on all day?

    At least one Monster a day. I got hooked in Basic Training so to speak, when my DS would drink at least 2 a day and all we could do was watch and salivate. Once I got to Ft. Sam and we were allowed to buy stuff like that we all went hog wild.
  15. Ace 227

    ITunes U ... Simply amazing!!

    I like to listen to lectures while lifting/running. Kill two birds with one stone, ya know?
  16. Ace 227

    68W AIT and airborne.

    I am currently a 68W in the NG as well as an EMT/Firefighter. While the training you receive at Ft. Sam can be great if you apply yourself to it, whether or not it is better than what you will see on the civilian side is all relative. Without a doubt, the trauma training I got in the Army is...
  17. Ace 227

    68W AIT and airborne.

    Not necessarily true... Take what they teach you and filter through some of it based on what you already know. I went to Ft. Sam in 2010 after being an EMT for 2 years and I feel the training I received was very good. There were certainly many Whiskeys who didn't grasp everything or only...
  18. Ace 227

    Trauma arrest, should CPR be stopped in the field?

    +1. As an EMT that runs both 911 and inter-facilities, I can certainly attest to the fact that after going in and out of too many SNFs to count, I will have a DNR the day I turn 65. There are fates worse than death
  19. Ace 227

    Wound Packing

    Pack and wrap is pretty standard in the military. Especially for inguinal wounds. I could see where some axial wounds might be better treated with an occlusive dressing but packing to stop bleeding is certainly an option. You've got to stop the hemorrhage, however you can. And for what...