Search results

  1. B

    EMT-Basic to RN.

    Hey everyone, I have not been here for quite a while. Hope everbody is well! I was kind of wondering if anyone has gone from EMT-B to RN (ADN or BSN)????? I am going back to school in the fall for pre-req's and gen eds for the local community college nursing program. I was wondering what the...
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    What do you call an ambulance?

    I work for a private company, we usually call it an "insurance taxi"
  3. B

    Gonna miss him!!!

    The company I work for transports a lot of Dialysis pt's. One of these pt's lives in a house where there are 7-9 stairs. Every day whichever crew is assigned to her has to bring in the stairchair, strap her in, bring her down the stairs(she is about 275 lbs.) t/f her to cot and then put her in...
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    Where is everyone from?

    I'm Eric and I work at a ambulance company in Schaumburg IL. We mainly do interfacility transports, hosp. room to nursing home,vice versa. But we have contracts with MANY nursing homes in the area. So we do do some ER calls. For instance, my partner and I were called to a nursing home last...
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    Has anyone done stand-by at a concert?

    Update: It was an interesting experience! There were a LOT of minor drunks!!! We had a 15 y/o girl who blew a .19 and an 18 y/o girl who blew a .28(who went to the ED for "seizures" I put that in quotation marks because she was talking to the medics while "seizing"). The only real medical...
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    Your First Call

    My first call on my own (me and a partner) was just an interfacility transport. Later that day, we were called to a nursing home to take a 83 y/o male with an hx of stroke, left arm paraylsis to the ED for a possible blood clot in the arm. We got there and his left arm was maybe 3 or 4 times the...
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    The nastiest call

    For the love of god...I don't want to start an argument, but I have to say something!!! Dogs are NEVER EVER born "aggressive" it is the owners who make dogs aggressive. Pit bulls are really very sweet dogs, who are very loyal to their owners! All you ever hear of are pit bull attacks on the news...
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    What Makes A Good EMT or Paramedic?

    sense of humor-true! Also realizing that patients are people who have a life, family and don't want to be in that situation at that time, really listening to patients, basically treating them like humans! There are a few EMT's and paramedics where I work who have forgotten this!
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    Has anyone done stand-by at a concert?

    Tonight was my first night by myself and a partner, with NO AM/FM radio!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sad: Anyway, I am doing my first stand-by at a concert tomorrow night. Just wondering what to expect! I think it's going to be Toby Keith but I could be wrong. If anyone can give me some pointers that would be...
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    What does your agency ride in...

    We have about 8 or 9 McCoy Miller Type II (private ambulance company) and 3 or 4 Type I. Would upload pic's but I dont have a digital camera(I love my 35mm)!!!! :blush:
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    first job in EMS!!!

    Had my first ride along today! First time in an ambulance as an EMT-B!!!! It was pretty great!!!! Pretty much the same dialysis patients almost every day. Not much pay, pretty nice ambulances, not many interventions just transport. But everyone has to start somewhere!!! The company I work for...
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    ems pratical jokes

    Oh my god!!!! I really really really really want to do this!!!!!!!!
  13. B

    Skid Marks the Movie?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Has anyone heard of this movie coming out in October??? Great, another movie that sheds "an interesting" light on our profession. R-rated "comedy" about two rival ambulance companies (with acromyms such as B.A.L.S. and D.I.C). The website has a clip that is...
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    Looking for Fellow LGBT EMTs

    I wouldn't dream of hitting on a straight man! Constantly joking with a partner about it would be annoying to anyone but so is a lifetime of "so where's your wife" or playing the "switch the pro-noun game"(switching he for she). I just keep my mouth shut until someone asks me, yea I am proud but...
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    Looking for Fellow LGBT EMTs

    What exactly do you mean by "impose homosexuality on me"?? Eric
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    My mom passed away today

    I am so very sorry for your loss!! You and your family will be in my thoughts!
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    first job in EMS!!!

    Yay!!! I went to fill out an application at a local very small laid-back private ambulance company called Advantage Ambulance. After talking to the owner for about 10 minutes, I filled out the application and he hired me on the spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!! It is a company of about 50 EMT's and...
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    Forum Names

    How I came up with my forum name....... I play trumpet, French horn(my favorite), and sometimes baritone and I am a guy!! :)
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    Looking for Fellow LGBT EMTs

    Hi and welcome, gayemtnj!!!! Unfortunatly I have not yet begun my career in EMS to let you know how it is but I hope it is going to be okay!!! :) The thing I am not looking forward to is making the step to firefighter and being out!!!!! I am dreading that!!!! Living in a home situation with...
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    Theoretical question.

    Let's say you are on vacation in another state and someone needs medical assistance (Asthma) and they have an MDI, you offer to help them, would you call your Medical Director in your state or someone else? Just a question I have always had!!