Recent content by NREMTroe

  1. NREMTroe

    FISDAP paramedic practice exams?

    I failed my first medic test then studied with FISDAP. I thought the questions were just like the NREMT.
  2. NREMTroe

    the 100% directionless thread

    +1. I completely agree!
  3. NREMTroe

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    Found out today passed medic @ 150
  4. NREMTroe

    Paramedic Program

    Good luck in your journey. I can't believe I'm only a month from being done with school. Some of these people on here can give you a lot better advice than I can, but at first school is going to seem like it's super easy. Just wait, it gets a lot harder, especially if you have a full time job as...
  5. NREMTroe

    How old were you?

    I was 18 when I got EMT and I'll be 20 when I get my medic in a month.
  6. NREMTroe

    Eastern Arkansas

    If you are a medic and live in eastern Arkansas and need to pick up extra days let me know.
  7. NREMTroe

    What made you get into EMS?

    I got into it because I didn't have anything else to do. I didn't know anything about the job, and I thought it would just be something to get by at the time. I fell in love with it during EMT school, and now I'm about to be a paramedic, and have loved all of it.
  8. NREMTroe

    paid precepting??

    In Arkansas, (I thought everywhere) you can't do any clinical time while your getting paid to do work at an Ambulance service. I may be confused on that, but that's how I thought it went.
  9. NREMTroe

    Newly hired EMT, any suggestions for gear to get

    Where I'm at I'm with a paramedic, so really the only time that I use the stethoscope is when they want to confirm something, or I just feel I want to listen. IMO as an EMT you really don't need a fancy scope, at least in my area, because you have you and a paramedic. If your going to be the one...
  10. NREMTroe

    Medic Students!!!

    Next week starts week 5 for us. Its been ok so far. We got all of our IVs and Intubation check offs done. We did some basic rhythms and such and ran some slow mega codes. This was the part that i'm glad i had already learned that stuff before I came to class or I would probably have been lost by...
  11. NREMTroe

    Medic Students!!!

    Congrats! I bet thats a big stress reliever.
  12. NREMTroe

    Medic Students!!!

    Im really looking forward to cardiology. I think the heart is one of the most fascinating things about all of this.
  13. NREMTroe

    Medic Students!!!

    Yesterday was our first day of class. We watched some long drawn out history of EMS. Some of it was pretty interesting, but for the most part it was pretty boring. We start on airway stuff tomorrow, and I can't wait for the year to get going pretty good.
  14. NREMTroe

    Where is your gear?

    In our narc box, we have our Narcs, and IO. Our bag has airway/suction, intubation, iv supplies, drugs etc.. Everything is duplicated in the truck.
  15. NREMTroe

    Medic Students!!!

    I start medic school in less than a month! The excitement builds more as it gets closer to the day.