Recent content by NomadicMedic

  1. NomadicMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    We went whole hog and bought a pull behind camper. Hot showers, a king size bed, AC and an air fryer really make a difference.
  2. NomadicMedic

    the 100% directionless thread

    This was my jam when I lived in the PNW.
  3. NomadicMedic

    Questions about CPR

    I have 10 CPC 1 or 2 arrest saves and they are ALL because of bystander CPR and defib. Was ALS important? Ehh… I think I might have helped a little, but the bystanders did the important stuff.
  4. NomadicMedic

    How good is the job market for EMT's?

    The honest answer is, “it depends.” My agency is small. We run about 5000 calls a year and we have very little turn over. We pay very well, have exceptional benefits and it’s considered “the place to work” in my county. I always have more applicants than I have available shifts. We are very...
  5. NomadicMedic

    Have you ever used your EMT skills when you are off duty?

    Someone that has croup, or presents with signs and symptoms indicative of croup, an upper airway infection, common in children.
  6. NomadicMedic

    Review Materials for NRP exam

    The Limmer Education material is the best stuff currently. Far better than the old standards like FISDAP, Navigate, and MedicTests. It’s been updated with TEI material and there is study methodology that will help candidates use the prep material diagnostically and systematically study rather...
  7. NomadicMedic

    NREMT Roadblock – Time to Be Done

    Get remediated and then try Dan Limmer’s prep program. Good luck.
  8. NomadicMedic

    Have you ever used your EMT skills when you are off duty?

    You are clearly not an EMS provider. We use the basic first aid skills all the time. Have you used your truck driving skills when you were off duty?
  9. NomadicMedic

    Have you ever used your EMT skills when you are off duty?

    My kid took a ball to the face in field hockey. Bled like a stuck pig. The best skill I used was navigating the ED and getting my friends to take care of her quickly. Knowing all the ED staff paid off.
  10. NomadicMedic


    Wow. I remember you. Glad you made it.
  11. NomadicMedic

    40 Years of NREMT Certification

    When I worked for the regional office that processed certifications for new providers and for those entering the state needing reciprocity, the National Registry served as the gateway into the system. If you finished a class, you had to complete the National Registry to get certified. If you...
  12. NomadicMedic

    Written Exam

    I am a pretty experienced EMS instructor and I have some advice… 1- purchase the Dan Limmer EMTpass and use the simulated NREMT exam as a diagnostic tool to determine where you are weak. 2- use the test prep strategically to shore up your weak areas. 3- take another diagnostic exam to see how...
  13. NomadicMedic

    CPR vs RQI

    You can also do it yourself with an instrumented manikin and some tracking software. You don’t need to get an RQI card to mandate continued competencies.
  14. NomadicMedic

    CPR vs RQI
