MCI / Shooting-Bombing in Progress - Live Radio Feed


Forum Asst. Chief
Don't have all the details yet, but there's possibly two active shooters with some explosions at a mall in Aurora area.

You can listen live:

Left speaker is Fire/EMS.
Right speaker is PD/Tactical.

This is a tremendous learning resource hearing this progress, both from medical and tactical side, as the situation is developing.
Holy Crap! This isn't good! :unsure:
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This is nuts.

Is there any better info about what happened?
This is nuts.

Is there any better info about what happened?

Not really yet. Rumors are 10 dead and 20+ injured.

From the scanners it sounds as if multipul explosive devices and 1 possibly 2 shooters wearing body armor.

Local news here is saying they had gas masks and set tear gas of before they started shooting.
Not really yet. Rumors are 10 dead and 20+ injured.

From the scanners it sounds as if multipul explosive devices and 1 possibly 2 shooters wearing body armor.

Local news here is saying they had gas masks and set tear gas of before they started shooting.

Wow. I'm speechless right now. I can't imagine their reason for doing this.
I wish there was a way to isolate the FD/PD traffic so the listener could choose to listen to FD or PD ops... It's confusing trying to make out both sets of traffic.
I wish there was a way to isolate the FD/PD traffic so the listener could choose to listen to FD or PD ops... It's confusing trying to make out both sets of traffic.

Same here. I'm using a scanner app and it's hard to catch both.
Sounds like they have a second suspect at gun point right now.
damn, sounds like a bad day for all involved. Hope they find all parties involved, and those who are injured have quick recoveries.

This occurred at a screening for the Batman The Dark Knight Rises movie.

for anyone who doesn't know, Aurora is in the Denver Co Metro Area
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50 patients at multiple EDs is the number I just heard. Unbelievable.
And because it's a midnight showing, most of the victims are kids. So sad.
News that I'm getting is one shooter in custody and no evidence of a second... and one hospital report ony 3 critical, and no bombs, only tear gas canisters.
Anyone heard on a press conference so we could here facts not rumors which my local news is known to report?
We've all been through MCI drills and our years in EMS have made us emotionally numb to the plight of most pts. I can't imagine being the first crew in there with a pocket full of gloves and MCI tags.
One of my medics working tonight knows one or more of the victims. I offered to take his place.

Now it's hitting close to home which is hard.

Thoughts to everyone. I'm curious to hear the motive.
Now adviseing 12 dead, 38 injured. Still bad, but better than first figures....

Better than original for sure. Still blows my mind that someone could do this.

FWIW my medic got confirmation that his friend was killed and another friend is injured but should be okay. The survivor is a localish firefighter/paramedic I believe.