* You believe full spinal precautions were invented for obnoxious drunks.
* You find humor in other people's stupidity
* You believe the government should require a permit to reproduce
* Your favorite hallucinogenic is exhaustion
* You've ever responded to a call where the directions include, "...turn off the paved road."
* You've ever thought OD instead of BBQ when asked to get the charcoal
* You've sworn that you were going to have "DNR" tattooed on your chest
* You automatically multiply by 3 the answer to the question, "How many drinks did you have tonight?"
* You've ever used an NPA to determine a patient's unresponsiveness
* You realize that the biggest difficulty in your job is that, on a daily basis, you try to reverse the process of natural selection
* You can drink a cup of coffee and go straight to bed.