You know you're an EMT when...


I put the M in EMTLife
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I'll start, hopefully you can add some more.

You know you're an EMT when...
  • Half your paycheck goes to Galls
  • You use EMS notation when not on the job
Man, I've got thousands of these...(I'll only do a few at a time to let others have a chance.)

You know you're an EMT when...

* Your personal jump kit is better equipped than the one in your ambulance
* You can tell it's a full moon without looking at the calendar
* You prefer a Code Blue to a Code Brown any day
* You've ever Code Surfed
  • you know what the world looks like at 3:30 in the morning.
  • you drive past a house and say "Oh, that's where we had that __________ call."
  • you love critiquing how they do CPR on TV shows.
  • you know what "treat with high flow diesel" means.
  • you drive past the ER ambulance bay just to see who's busy today.
* Discussing amputations during dinner time seems perfectly acceptable to you
* You don't remember your frequent flyer's name, but do remember their complete medical history
* You've ever thought about putting Valium in your oxygen tanks
You believe coffee is one of the food groups.
You catch your self eating twice as fast as everyone else when off duty.
Your lost without your scanner(how else would you know the ambulance five towns over had a possible stroke call :-) )
* You believe full spinal precautions were invented for obnoxious drunks.
* You find humor in other people's stupidity
* You believe the government should require a permit to reproduce
* Your favorite hallucinogenic is exhaustion
* You've ever responded to a call where the directions include, "...turn off the paved road."
* You've ever thought OD instead of BBQ when asked to get the charcoal
* You've sworn that you were going to have "DNR" tattooed on your chest
* You automatically multiply by 3 the answer to the question, "How many drinks did you have tonight?"
* You've ever used an NPA to determine a patient's unresponsiveness
* You realize that the biggest difficulty in your job is that, on a daily basis, you try to reverse the process of natural selection
* You can drink a cup of coffee and go straight to bed.
* You can identifiy the positive teeth to tatto ratio
* You plan your weekends off a year in advance
* You disbelieve 90% of what you are told and 75% of what you see
* You think caffine should be available in IV form
* Your family members have to have a fever of 105 or be missing a limb with active bleeding to obtain your sympathy
* You've ever held a 14 gauge needle over someone's vein and said, "Now there's gonna be a little poke."
* You've ever cursed out anyone for Armor-Alling the seats to make them look nice
* All of your calendars have every third day circled
Dinner = king size Snickers bar and a liter of Mountain Dew

* Your family members have to have a fever of 105 or be missing a limb with active bleeding to obtain your sympathy

How true, how true.....and don't my kids just love me for it! ;)
Slight variation here:


* You wake up to your alarm clock and shout, "Will you shut that f****** pager off already!"
* Your idea of a massage is having your SO practice secondary survey on you
* Your idea of foreplay is a priapism sweep or a check for wettness
* You have many EMS shirts and never bought one
* You have ever been stood up for a call
* You are more familiar with their station than your parent's home
* You put on your wedding program, "Do to the solemn nature of the occasion, we ask that you turn off or down all Fire/EMS pagers."
* You can identify all parts of the body (inside and out) and know drugs and their dose calculations without ever taking a single class
* You have more Galls and Firehouse magazines in your house than books
* As soon as you show signs of sickness, they want to stick you with an IV instead of giving you Pepto or NyQuil
Your favorite assessment question is, "What changed after two weeks to make this an emergency at 0300?"