working out/hitting the mills


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do any of you do hard cardio/strength training? someones has to be into this as much as me.
i was working out for an hour to an hour and a half, 5 or 6 times a week for about two weeks. before i decided that i'm insanely lazy.
I do about 40 mins of intense training daily. cardio,4 times a week.
What is a "mill"?????

There's a guy at my work who is like you - "I had a great workout this morning".....
I go to the gym (my full time employer has a big fitness center) 3 times a week, and my girlfriend joins me on 2 of those days.

After only a few months, we've noticed a huge difference. :-)

It's a lot of fun to grab the iPod and hit the treadmill & weights.
I run 5 days a week, strength train 3 days a week, and right now I ski all day two days a week. Once spring hits, I'll probably be running 6 to 7 days a week. I also take a 40 to 60 minute hike 5 days a week and try to do yoga 5 days a week as well.
MedicStudentJon said:
What is a "mill"?????

A place that turns a natural resource into a finished product... :P

Saw Mill... Gin Mill... Grist Mill... Fulling Mill... Cotton Mill... Oil Mill... Plaster Mill... Paper Mill... Clover Mill... Scribbing Mill... Fittiting Mill... B)
I don't do a lot of cardio. I weight train at least 5 days per week. I get the cardio in my weight training workouts. I also get cardio during martial arts training/teaching.

I am a firm believer in workouts...... they keep me sane. :)
You guys are insane. :wacko:

I work out 5 days a week but only because it helps with my anxiety. Yes I feel good after and all that but I'd rather be lounging at the pool.
I have to workout to maintain my weight. My metabolism is very slow, so exercise keeps it in high gear. I also have to be very religious about what I eat, although I can let it slide a little when I'm working out every day.

I do yoga because of my back pain and stress, running is also stress management for me, and I lift weights for fire/ems work (and for vanity a little). I ski patrol so I ski almost every weekend.

On the days I don't want to workout, I look at my "before" pictures (me + 75 pounds) and remember why I do it. It's a challenge every day, but it is worth it. It is becoming easier by the day, although I still have harder days than others.

Speaking of workouts, I've taken the plunge and committed to doing my first triathlon in June. It's a mini-tri, 1/4 mile swim, 15k bike, 5k run. I haven't swam in a while (no place to around here and my pond is frozen over still), but I'm confident about the other two events. On June 10, keep me in your thoughts please!

If anyone wants help with nutrition or fitness, let me know and I'll try to help.
Good for you Emtff!! Actually I need to change my workouts for strength and endurance, and I've never done it that way before...any tips?
Wingnut, cardio is okay to do every day, but you shouldn't strength train every day, at least not the same muscle groups. Your body needs time to rebuild and repair the damage you cause from strength training. I don't know how much you know, so sorry if this is old hat. When you lift weights, it causes small tears in your muscles. Things like resting and eating protein help repair these small tears. It is also advisable to rest in between sets of exercises and stretch the muscles you just worked. Here's an example of a workout. I wouldn't start out doing this entire workout, but it can be modified to suit your needs.

One time through this circuit
- 20 minute run
- 15 standing crunches
- 12 pulse ups
- 10 side bends (per side)
- 2 side bridges
- 15 back extensions

Two times through this circuit
- 2 sets 12 squats
- 2 sets 10 bench press
- 2 sets 10 lat pulls
- 2 sets 10 military press
- 2 sets 10 upright row
- 2 sets 12 triceps pushdown
- 2 sets 12 leg extensions
- 2 sets 10 bicep curls
- 2 sets 12 leg curls
30 second rest between sets

This normally takes me about 45 to 50 minutes to complete. The amount of weight I use varies based on the exercise. On cardio only days, I try for 30 to 45 minutes on the mill or elliptical. I am also limited by the length of my lunch break.

Also, it helps to vary your cardio. If you are jogging, jog one day for distance then another day for speed. I use time as a measuring tool right now because I do the treadmill. Once it gets warm here, I will run one day 5 or so miles then the next I'll only run 2 or 3, but faster with maybe some periods of walking. If you're like me, I get bored on the mill, so I switch to the elliptical trainer or the bike or the rowing machine if I'm doing cardio indoors.

Let me know if this is helpful or if I'm off on a tangent (like normal!)
It is, I can't get to a gym but a lot of those I can do at home. Pretty much what I do is 3 times I week I run/jog about a mile. I do cardio on those days, and a different 3 days a week I do light weights. I only have been doing them to keep tone and get rid of the consequences of being pregnant twice. But after yesterday I realized I have got to do something because I struggled with the stretcher and stairchair, and there was only 150lbs of weight on it. It didn't help that I was with a 18 and a 21 year old who worked out regularly, but I definitly have to change something. I don't wanna be a wimp anymore :(

See now I'm babbling lol.
Wingnut, first, LOVE YOUR AVATAR!!! One of my favorite movies of all time!

Sounds like cardio wise you're doing fine. Are far as strength training, I started with 1, 2, and 3 pound weights, then bought a set of 3, 5, and 8s, then 10s. A lot of sporting goods stores sell individual weights, so you don't have to buy sets of them. Toning is good (I'm assuming you're doing light weight, high reps?), but one of those days you do strength training, try doubling your weight and doing half as many reps. This should help build muscle. Remember, if it hurts, don't do it! And always allow for recovery time.

Cheers to you for wanting to challenge yourself physically! You rock girl!
Thanks, I got tired of the other avatar and got all excited when I found this one, it is my favorite movie of all time. I know it by heart for God's sake lol.

I'll try that, I have been using light weights with high reps, as soon as I heal up from the other day I'm going to get started again. I appreciate the advice. You rock too! :) B)
I get enough excersise carrying all the damn bags. The ALS bag, monitor, O2 & CPAP bag, and airway kit must weigh a combined 45-50lbs...

New SOP's state that the EMT-Driver can't carry the ALS Bags.. Why? Because some nut job was stealing the MS04... So they ruin it for all of us. Bas*ards!

I never made my partner carry everything, but at least split the load in half. We should get one of those wooden wagons with the big rubber wheels to carry all that sh*t!