Working in EMS with a Felony Record

I should add, there is a tactful way to bring up religion... didn't mean my last post to sounds as if there was no place for it, there can be, just how its brought up.
There are a few minimum security prisons in Illinois that offer EMT training on site in the penitentiary as well as post release jobs placement. I think from personal experience that good paying career opportunities are the ultimate deterrent to street crime, which is 95% poverty motivated. It doesn't work for the younger, macho idiots, but for older guys who are tired of the vicious circle, career opportunities work wonders.
Here in Canada our criminal justice system does not use the classification of felony or misdemeanor. Our system uses the classifications of indictable offence, summary conviction offences, or dual procedure. Dual procedure offences can be tried either as indictable or summarily, it is up to the Crown on how they would elect to try the case.