Words that make you go "Duh-OH!"


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Aren't there some phrases or words you or your coworkers (or you!) keep using, or maybe are REQUIRED to use, which are just WRONG?

Is there a word you have to depend upon spellcheck to fix every mother parking time?

("Is THAT what's bothering you, Bunkie?"):ph34r:

You're in safe company here, just us, the NREMT and your grandmaw listening in! Ventilate!

Like "LARE-nicks" for "larynx" ( "lair-INKS").

Or "CAL-vary" for "CAV-alry" (as in "The cavalry's coming!").

Don't need the fancy pronunciation marks; heck, half of what I just typed got spellchecked (try "bunkie" sometime, takes a couple tries to get it past).

OK: go!


It's SHER-bet..



No, it's chi-POAT-lay..


And angina rhymes with vagina?? .. and prostrate with an extra "R".

And bar-bit-u-ate.. There's an "R" in there..

Silicone? No, it's silicon.

And when people say "bob wire". Or dialate (dilate)..

And perscription..

I could go on forever.
Actually, silicon is the natural element, silicone is the synthetic commercial product from which many things are made.
I see and hear O2 stats all the time. I am internally screaming it sats not stats
"The patient is statting at 98% on room air"

Oh :censored::censored::censored::censored: sorry Tim...didn't see you there!
I see and hear O2 stats all the time. I am internally screaming it sats not stats

Yeah, that's a good one.

For me it's "glide-uh-scope" (it's glide-scope) and "sahn-oh-meter" (it's cent-a-meter).

Amba-lance (as in, "call da ambalance") used to drive me nuts but has kind of grown on me, to be honest.
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Cardi-a-zem. I'd also like to add my vote to O2 stats. What kind of statistics are we talking about here?
There are so many, it makes me crazy.

Idear instead of idea.

A good one Delaware word is "domesticate", the verb for engaging in a fight with one's spouse.

Oh yeah, "Uh-den-o-sin". That gets me, too.

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Propanol? (Propanolol)

And I can never say "Risperdal" right! It always climbs out and launches as "Resperidol".

PS; DGMS* about "oral exams" (dental procedure) versus "verbal exams" (when you talk your way through a test).

*don't get me started.
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I've heard more people butcher Metoprolol than anything else. "Meta-prop-a-lol" "me-topper-lol" "muh-top-a-rill".

Okay. Is it for your high blood pressure? Got it. Thanks.
"I got high blood". (either or both, hypertension or diabetes).

"I got hypertension. I get real nervous".

"I take 35 milligrams of insulin every morning and 25 at night". (Units?)
Silicone? No, it's silicon.

As was said, they are two different things. Back when I lived in California, I put it like this: Silicon is the Santa Clara valley, Silicone is the San Fernando Valley.

I've heard more people butcher Metoprolol than anything else.

To be perfectly honest, about 50% of the time, I can't successfully say "Metoprolol", I've done all of those mispronunciations and more.

I also seem to want to turn -mycin drugs into -myacin drugs. Can't seem to train myself out of it, though I keep trying.

Most of the common mispronunciations don't really bother me, with one notable exception: a "Li-Berry" is not a place where you can borrow books.
dee fib yu lay ter​
Could never say Hidradenitis suppurativa.

("hi-drad-uh-NIE-tis sup-yoo-ruh-TIE-vuh" per the Mayo Clinic online).

Come to think of it, I never spelled it right either.

Of course, one of the classics, when someone mispronounces "Paramedic" as Ahm-bue-lahnse Dry-ver.

I've finally managed to make my peace with that one enough that I don't jump down their throats to correct it, but it still makes me twitch.