why we do what we do

band aid man

Forum Crew Member
So i feel that getting into this business in my area and most areas will make you forever broke.
yet there are us who still want to do it just as bad as a million dollar job.
I know my reasons but I would like to hear why are you in ems.
what makes you OK with the awesome pay, what gets you in that uniform and in you're rig. (be it engine,ambo what have you). what made you want to get into this thing we call ems.....


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
Is it possible that I could make more money doing something other than EMS? I suppose. Not sure what I'd be doing. I got a degree in Political Science with some unique coursework. I guess I could be wearing a suit everyday trying to make it in the policymaking world. Sounds pretty sucky.

Or I could have a job that gives me more time off than I know what to do with, does not require a high percentage of time on task, and compensates me enough to do the things I wish to do.

No doubt I don't make great money. But I really like what I do, and enjoy working in a variety of settings so picking up OT isn't a big thing, especially since I have the time to do it. The money is not that bad. I make more money than most recent college graduates and I like what I do.


Forum Deputy Chief
So i feel that getting into this business in my area and most areas will make you forever broke.
yet there are us who still want to do it just as bad as a million dollar job.
I know my reasons but I would like to hear why are you in ems.
what makes you OK with the awesome pay, what gets you in that uniform and in you're rig. (be it engine,ambo what have you). what made you want to get into this thing we call ems.....

good money, benefits, stability, chance to learn something while on the job, work 2-3 days a week.


Dodges Pucks
Community Leader
It seemed like it would be a good fit for my interests and it turned out that it was.


Forum Probie
I'm not really sure to tell the truth. It was just sort of something that I had always been interested in. I grew to think about it seriously after my dad got in a bad motorcycle accident when I was 19. When he was in the ICU, he commented on how nice the EMS people were at the scene of the accident.


Forum Deputy Chief
OK but why did you want to do ems...

It was a deep burning inside of me that drew me to the exciting world of EMS. It was a calling, I would do it for free...

No but seriously, I have no idea. Was between jobs and didn't want to go to school so someone said I should take the class.

Ewok Jerky

Well it seemed like a good job. EMT class was more interesting than I thought it would be. My first job was well paying so I stayed in it but when I moved to another state and took a $5+ pay cut with a 36 hour week instead of 48 I needed something else. So no more EMS for me. At the end of the day it's just a job. No racing the reaper shirts for me.


Has no idea what I'm doing.
I wanted to become a fire fighter. So I became and EMT and discovered that I really liked medicine. So went to school for nursing pre-requisites. And ended up going to paramedic school instead. Looking at PA school in a few years. Maybe DO school... if I can convince my wife to let me.


Forum Troll
For the babes, money, respect, and did I mention babes?


Forum Crew Member
Definitely for the ladies....especially when we wear our 962s...automatic panty droppers. No but seriously, its a job..it pays the bills mostly. Im way past the days of thinking its a "calling" and that we are "heroes". I don't even advertise that I work in EMS, when people ask what I do I just say I work for the city. No Ricky Rescue shirts here.
band aid man

band aid man

Forum Crew Member
OK I'm getting the since it was a stupid question.

How bout are you proud of what you do are you hooked on it.


i don't think its a dumb question, but i think the novelty wears off pretty quick when you realize this isn't what you see on TV. by a long shot...i think the majority of people, esp in CA...do it because they want to be FF and get paid more, have more respect and retirement. Me, I just like learning about the human body, physiology is my favorite subjects and somehow that translated to Medic.
I stay because the money is decent, hours are ok, and I sometimes make a difference. ie making someone in pain laugh, holding some old persons hand, calming family...stuff like that.


Forum Ride Along
I have to agree with Angel.
I went to EMT school because I was inbetween jobs, I've always loved helping people, and the thought of being there for someone in there darkest hour drove me to it.
Since the first day of class I was hooked. The skills, anatomy, physio, and the comradory we had.
Now, once you graduate and you see what this field truly entails (I am in CA) you either lose it or you don't. You get the complacent EMS workers who make you wonder if that will be you later on down the road.
But, this is my first job where I enjoy going to work. The first job I don't call out because I don't want to go in that day.
This field isn't for everyone, but for me...I love it. Put your emotions aside, and focus on executing your skills and assessments to the highest caliber.

Rant over. Im on the back half of my 48, been ran every hour of it. But I love it :D

Ewok Jerky

OK I'm getting the since it was a stupid question.

How bout are you proud of what you do are you hooked on it.
I would be proud of I was a garbage man. That has more to do with my sense of self worth than my vocation. Its interesting though when I did manual labor it was a more satisfying job at the end of the day, and the pay was better. We put up with a lot of **** in EMS and there aren't that many opportunities to feel great like you actually made a difference. And the Times when you do make a difference, I don't know, just doesn't feel as great as you would think or it where's off or something.

I was definitely hooked at one point, but it was more because I had a great company to work for. Like I said earlier it's just a job and when I got paid like crap and treated the same I was out.

EMS is a great job, and in some places can be a great career. But for me it was a stepping stone. I stick around because I seem to get along well with EMS peeps, we are like minded individuals. and I also think I can stil learn a lot from experienced providors and maybe educate a bit myself.


Forum Deputy Chief
oooh the babes...