Why do some EMS people like to complicate things?

Am I the only one that is slightly more scared of mycrofft now because of this thread?

/me backs away slowly.
Let me say this: they aren't alone, and I have what I think is the right answer in mind.

But, my word, folks (especially newbies) like to microtome the lunchmeat. Sometimes it's fun but it nearly always re-directs threads.

Other than boredom or trying to upstage others, why do YOU think we do this? Not value-judging, what do you think the mental mechanism is?

(Examples: "medical Alamo" scenarios where it's all gone down the flusher and you're alone; physiology discussions regarding pts needing a hospital STAT; reading a biased scant news item and producing baroque fantasias).

Is that you V?
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Im going to go with randomness makes the world go around and makes my day very entertaining. I love random people.^_^
Am I the only one that is slightly more scared of mycrofft now because of this thread?

/me backs away slowly.

His name is freaking "mycrofft" and I alternatively hear it in my head as "Mee Krob" from South Park or "My Crotch" and his avatar is a evil red rendition of Saddam Hussein. Frankly, I was terrified of him BEFORE his insane rantings. I have been carrying holy water just in case.
This thread reminds me of the ending to Apocalypse Now. Time for bed!
Has someone fallen off his rocker?

Missed me?

I still love the way folks love to slice it thin in discussion.
I still love the way folks love to slice it thin in discussion.

Can you perhaps provide a quote as an example to what you are referring to?
dude, i want what your taking!!!!
Sasha-san, most of the "Which way to push a gurney" would do.

Also, anything having to do with selection of stethoscopes, pants, knives, sunglasses, or boots.
HN it's like this.....

I spend all day arguing with inmates and my bosses and co-workers, then come here and dodge fragile egos, so SOMEONE's gotta get a little spun-out once in a while.

And, no, I've never gotten high.

Also, anything having to do with selection of stethoscopes, pants, knives, sunglasses, or boots.

Aah. I see what you are talking about. Arigato gozaimasu, mycrofft-san. ;) :P
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Hai, doo-itashima:censored::censored::censored::censored:eh .

Ja, matta dei.:ph34r:
Mycrofft, I'm still not sure what you meant by micrtoming the lunchmeat, but I think the last time I tried to attempt that I got a black eye and a bad reputation.;)
I think I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down. I do not wish at all to flame, but the 19 page on topic discussions of where on your belt to place your radio and if you should say over or not get tiresome. All the while a good topic lies dying in the dirt with one or two responses that may or may not be helpful. Am I right? did I get it?