why did you join ems?

I've always loved the US Airforce Pararescue Code

It is my duty as a Pararescueman to save life and to aid the injured. I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before personal desires and comforts. These things I do, that others may live.

Particularly "These things I do, that others may live," has always struck me. Can't make the cut for PJ right now, so EMT is a good intermediary step.
I saw a 9 year old girl get hit by a car in front of my house (i live right next door to the elementary school) and the hardest part at the time before being an EMT was not knowing what to do or how to help.
I wanted to become an RN, but the local community college had a very long wait list. So I decided to become a CNA in the meantime, as I had a family to support. Went to work in a nursing home and about shot myself after the first month. The only way to get out of there and still support my family (now with a baby on the way) was to go for an EMT course. I had been absolutely fascinated by EMS even before I took my CNA course, so I signed up, and the rest is history.
I love helping people and I figured firefighting and ems are the best jobs to do that.

When I was a real young kid, I was obsessed with emergency vehicles, police, fire, etc. I kinda grew out of it though as I grew up but after realizing, I dont really want to go straight to school, I figured that this could be worth doing as well as firefighting, so I am going to give it a shot and hope I like it. Im excited though.
I wanted to be able to join forums like this to annoy the whackers.:rolleyes:

Why was this not combined with multiple other discussions started by people that do not know what the search feature is?
I actually got placed in the EMS where I live as a 16 year old high school student on a work experience program. Spent a week doing calls and absolutely loved it - now I'm getting ready to take my NREMT.
I like moving fast

I was in corporate Amer for 10 years, then thought I wanted to get into the counseling field. Too slow, I discovered. Listening to people go on about their problems for an hour wasn't my bag. But I knew I wanted to help people and serve my community. I've always been intrigued by the medicine world. So I decided to go for it.
I've been involved with serving my community and health care since being a teen, I never thought I could be an EMT or paramedic. It seemed out of reach and then I did the research on how to become an EMT and I realized there were two schools in my city and that I qualified for a grant and here I am just waiting on the edge of my seat to start class in June.

I'm currently a student already at my local CC but I've been going for years and felt so directionless and without purpose. I did well in my classes but I couldn't pinpoint exactly what I would be doing.

I am so excited to start class this summer!