Where is everyone from?


I put the M in EMTLife
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I know where some of you are from, but it's interesting to read about the others.

I'm from Michigan, I work for a company that provides Wheelchair Van, BLS, ALS, and Critical Care (Mobile ICU) servies to the county.
Well, my wife and I have lived in Sierra Madre for about 2 and a half years now. Community of about 11,000, just over 3 square miles. We sit in the foorhills of the San Gabriel Mountains, and are bordered on the west by Pasadena and on the south and east by Arcadia.

I grew up in Pasadena and lived there until we moved up here. Pasadena's the home of the Rose Parade and Rose Bowl, NASA's JPL facility and CalTech and is much bigger (133,000 residents and 23 square miles in size).
I'm from Sarasota, Flroida and doing basic, basic life support (first aid and cpr only here.. so sad) for a small retirement community. Population is supposed to be about 500 with about 400 in independent living. When I start here back in January we had a population of about 10 (now about 200) and the only piece of equipment was an AED. Not even a first aid bag. I asked the head of the department, "What happens if someone cuts their finger while chopping carrots or something?" He said, "Umm, never thought of that. Put a pillow case around it until the ambulance gets there." Great, call an ambulance when someone cuts their finger. The county is going to love us. We've since got a pretty decent jump bag going and there are talks about some of us getting our first responders cert. It'll never happen. I feel so bad for these residents.

I know what you mean, Chimp. My sis is a nurse and briefly was the Nursing Director for a retirement apartment complex...Nursing Director was a bit grandiose for a title, she was THE nurse, and they wouldn't let her really do what needed to be done as far as care, so she ended up getting very familiar with the local FD and private ambulance companies. Think she only lasted about 6 months there before she quit.

There was an articale a couple years ago (forget where, probably JEMS) about communities like yours. Sounds like some have some very innovative programs. Hopefully they'll let you do the right thing with yours.

Best of luck.
I'm from Desert Aire, Wa. I recently moved here from South Dakota, and it's a different world as far as protocols go. Population wise, it's about the same; but now our coverage area is a lot larger.
My name is Russ, and I live in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio. I just got my basic cert last month, and am anxiously waiting employment in EMS.

Long term goal is FF/Medic for a large city.


Edit- one more thing about me...my spelling usually sucks. Be advised. :P
My name is Derek and live in Franklin County, Pennsylvania. I am 26 years old have worked as a career EMS provider (BLS) for the past eight years. I am currently attending paramedic school in Maryland and enter my second year upon returning in the fall.

I volunteer for an ambulance squad that is the second busiest in Franklin County with a call volume of almost 2,000 annully. We operate three BLS ambulances of which two are 2004 Horton Type III's and the other a 1999 PL Custom Type III. We also provide dedicated EIR(emergency incident rehabilitation) services to our primary area and mutual aid by using a specialized rehab unit. For more info on my volly station you can visit us at http://waynesboroems.org.

Besides having a passion for EMS, I also have a passion for computers and information technology. I completed a technical school after a year and graduated from the computer specialist program. Networking and P2P file sharing is my thing and downloading music is my all-time favorite past time.
Nice looking trucks ResTech. I like the control panel in the center console. Very clean looking.

Hey.. thanks for checking out my department and thanks for the compliment!.
I seem to be the only one from abroad. I'm from Philippines where pre-hospital care is just starting. I already learned a lot from this forum.
I am a Primary Care Paramedic in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am currently not working EMS although I have been in the field for 2 1/2 years working for a few different ALS and BLS services here in Sask. I am looking to further my education with ALS courses in the future also to do some dispatching.

Just wondering if there are any other Canadians on these boards??
Welcome to the group TKO. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here.

Originally posted by TKO@Jun 15 2004, 04:45 AM
I am a Primary Care Paramedic in Saskatchewan, Canada. I am currently not working EMS although I have been in the field for 2 1/2 years working for a few different ALS and BLS services here in Sask. I am looking to further my education with ALS courses in the future also to do some dispatching.

Just wondering if there are any other Canadians on these boards??
Welcome to the board!

If you dont mind, can you explain the levels of EMS in Canada? What's a "Primary Care Paramedic"? Do you provide BLS, ALS? Do you have a level like EMT-B that provides just BLS?

Thanks, and once again i'm glad you decided to join our community.
Thanks everyone. Canada is currently undergoing many changes with EMS right now. Our levels used to be EMT , EMT-Advanced and Paramedic. Our new levels are Primary Care Paramedic (skills: ECG interpretation, AED use, we have very limited drugs ...nitro, asa, and soon we will be getting ventolin and epinephrine...we are also trained on Sub Q and IM injections but aren't allowed to practise them yet and a few other things) then there is Advanced Care Paramedic ( probably like your medics...intubation, IVtherapy, manual defibrillation and many meds) and then there is Critical Care Paramedic( this is very new and I think it is most likley a flight medic). In Saskatchewan we also have whats a called a Intermediate Care Paramedic which just bridges the gaps from PCP to ACP. In this course you learn manual defib, IV therapy, combitubing and a few meds.
I'm an EMT-B/Firefighter for a rural volunteer squad in IL. I'm pretty new to EMS (8 months) and I love it so far. I'm looking into paramedic training and hopefully a career in Fire/EMS in the Chicago area.
I'm Cyndye - I work in Nacogdoches, Texas - home of Stephen F. Austin State University!! I'm a lead medic for a service that provides ALS/MICU care for the city and county. We run close to 9,000 calls per year. We staff 3 24 hour trucks 7 days a week and an "extra" 16 hour truck 6 days a week. Our crew is a "tight-knit" big disfunctional family!!!:wacko:
I'm Eric and I work at a ambulance company in Schaumburg IL. We mainly do interfacility transports, hosp. room to nursing home,vice versa. But we have contracts with MANY nursing homes in the area. So we do do some ER calls. For instance, my partner and I were called to a nursing home last Thursday for a 89 y/o with fever and weakness. We get there, she was on a NC on 3lpm and an IV that was running so slow that it was about 25 drops a minute. We took a B/P and it was 68/P!!! We were only BLS(and no ALS units available) so we had to call 911. It was an exciting night!!!!! So thats me!!!