Somebody already listed off some of the reasons why: lights, sirens, and driving fast. They forgot to mention a cool uniform and how chicks dig it. Just kidding... Not even sure if the uniform thing is true. :\
My dad got a seizure two years ago, and my mom and I didn't know what to do. He came out of it real quick and told us not to call 9-1-1. A year later, the same thing happened, but this time we went against his word and decided to call 9-1-1. At the time, I was training to be a software engineer (wasn't going for a degree, just getting certified in a bunch of stuff), but wasn't so sure why. It just didn't feel right. So after that incident, I decided to take a First Responder class (which included AHA CPR) for fun, not to be a sitting duck if something goes down around me, and find something that feels right for me. So far I am coming up to my last week of my First Responder class, I really liked it, and I signed up for an EMT class. I find the human body very fascinating, I want to do something that is physical, something that involves making decisions, communicating with people, something that I can be proud of doing, I don't fear blood, and I can handle haters. I consider myself young (age 20) and just looking for a calling. Well, EMS is screaming at me.