aspiring needlefairy
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I work in the Comm Center. Working nights at about 0400 I take a call for a 2 yof that fell in the kitchen. Go through Case Entry on the call and determine the pt is unconscious and not breathing, in her fathers arms, who is the caller. I calm him down enough to start CPR over the phone.
We go through the first steps of CPR and I am able to keep him calm, and I start thinking in my head, the caller said she fell, in the kitchen, from standing position, something doesn’t sound right.
About 6 or 7 minutes into the call, while the caller is starting CPR I look to the see the status of the units responding as this should be a 10 minute response. And they aren’t even responding, the units have been toned for the call 3 times and the dispatcher is toning out the next closest station.
The primary units finally come up responding and we are still doing CPR, by know we are maybe 10 minutes into the call. I continue to monitor the callers CPR and making sure he’s doing good compressions, all the while feeling useless.
The caller starts yelling that she has a pulse, and after making sure, twice that it is true and is adequate (to the best knowledge I can) and instruct the caller on rescue breathing and trying maintain breathing until the units arrive on scene.
Units are on scene for maybe 3 minutes and go hot to the hospital. I listen in on the radio report and the pt has a good pulse and rhythm, but they assist with ventilations all the way to the ED.
The pt is transported to the local pediatric trauma center later that afternoon. (about an hour away) She died two days later.
Come to find out her parents beat her to death. A child in the home had called 911 earlier in the night, and hung up. Local LEO went out and noticed the child was in her mothers arms on the floor but the parents denied needing any assistance and said the child as fine, the officer kept insisting to have medics come check her out, but the parents kept insisting she was just sleeping and was sick. The officer didn’t have enough evidence at the time to the contrary.
The mother has been charged with multiple charges and is still awaiting trial.
The worst part, is the parents adopted this child, and every child in their home.... They said they wanted this child... And could have given the child back to the State at any time. Yet they chose to murder her...
Thats a heavy one... damn... :sad: